Customizing the Process Performance and Team Performance dashboards

You can customize the Process Performance and Team Performance dashboards to fit your business needs.

Before you begin

To customize the Process Performance and Team Performance dashboards, clone the most recent snapshot of the Process Portal application. You can then modify the Process Performance and Team Performance dashboards in your copy. If you apply a product update that contains changes to the Process Portal application, clone the updated Process Portal application, and then reapply your customization changes to the new copy. For information about creating a snapshot, see Creating snapshots in the Process Center console.

To package and deploy your customized dashboards, you also need the following artifacts in your build environment:
  • file
    This file contains the resources, such as JavaScript files that are used by the dashboards.
    1. Download the .zip file from the Dashboards toolkit and extract the contents into a folder.
    2. In the new folder, create a lib folder, and in the lib folder, create a dojo folder.
  • file
    This file contains the build scripts that you need to build the customized dashboards.
    1. Download the .zip file from the Dojo Foundation website.
    2. Extract the contents of the .zip file to the lib/dojo folder.


  1. Change the name of the dashboard by creating a key in a resource bundle and then assigning the label of the human service to that name. For information, see Globalizing dashboard names.
  2. Edit the .css files. To modify the styles that are used for the Team Performance and Process Performance pages, edit the PerformanceDashboard.css file in the copy of the Process Portal application. To modify the styles that are used by individual coach views, edit the dashboards_controls.css file. This file is in the directory that contains the contents of the extracted file. Alternatively, override specific styles in either of the .css files by adding inline CSS rules.
  3. In your copy of the Process Portal application, change the contents of the coaches themselves or the coach views that they contain.
  4. Test the customized pages.
  5. Package and deploy the updated dashboard artifacts.