Creating a custom dashboard

To show the business information that you are interested in, you can create custom dashboards.

About this task

You can add a custom dashboard to Process Portal by creating a human service that you then expose as a dashboard. The human service can be in any process application. Using the dashboard, users can look at the business data that is related to the business process. The users can then use the dashboard to react to that business data or another item, such as a message.


  1. Add a dependency on the Dashboard toolkit and other toolkits that contain resources that your dashboard uses. For information, see Creating, changing, and deleting a toolkit dependency in the Designer view. The Dashboard toolkit contains Coach Views and other resources that you can use to create a dashboard.
  2. Create the human service that users monitor and interact with through a dashboard. For information, see Building a heritage human service.
  3. In the Overview page of the human service, set the Expose To field to a team whose members can view and use the dashboard. Set the Exposed As field to Dashboard. For information, see Exposing heritage human services.
  4. Optional: Set the label that Process Portal displays for the dashboard name. If you do not set the label, Process Portal uses the name of the human service as the label. For information, see Globalizing dashboard names.
  5. Create the user interface for the dashboard by using one or more Coaches. For information, see Building coaches. The Coaches typically contain one of more Coach Views. These Coach Views can be stock controls, controls from the Dashboard toolkit, or custom Coach Views. For information about creating Coach Views, see Developing reusable coach views.
    Tip: Process Portal has a control that you can use to set the current page as the start page in the upper-left corner of its contents area.
    Screen capture showing the control for setting the current page as the start page
    When you are designing the layout to the Coach, ensure that you compensate for the location of this control. For example, move a Coach View so that it is not overlapped by the control by using a CSS rule to create a margin or add padding.
  6. Within your custom dashboard, if you want the controls in the Dashboard toolkit to navigate to within your custom dashboard, create a custom Navigation Controller. Add the custom Navigation Controller to your custom dashboard.
    Tip: Some of the controls require that the Navigation Controller control is available in the dashboard. For information, see the documentation for individual controls in Controls in the Dashboards toolkit.
    To create a custom Navigation Controller, complete the following steps:
    1. Copy the Navigation Controller in the Dashboards toolkit to your process application or to a toolkit that your process application has a dependency on.
    2. Open the Behavior page of the copy and select the load event handler.
    3. Edit the topic.subscribe callback function so that it constructs the correct URL for the target dashboard. You can accomplish this goal by using utilities.generateCustomDashboardURL = function(/*string*/type, /*string*/appName, /*string*/serviceName, /*object*/params, /*string, optional*/ snapshotName). For example,
      var urlType = null;
      if ((!!(window.parent)) &&(window != window.parent)) { 
      	// In Process Portal 
      	urlType = utilities.constants.PORTAL_DASHBOARD_URL_TYPE; 
      } else { 	
      	// Not in Process Portal 
      	urlType = utilities.constants.SERVICE_URL_TYPE; 
      var targetLocation = utilities.generateCustomDashboardURL(urlType, "MyApp", MyHumanService", params)
      The params can be constructed from the published event. It has the following format:
      params = {
      The URL that is created for navigation differs depending on where the user sees the dashboard:
      • If the user sees the dashboard in Process Portal, the format of the URL is /dashboards/{PROCESS_APP_NAME}/{HUMAN_SERVICE_NAME} followed by additional parameters to pass to the human service of the dashboard. For example, to pass the process application ID, the URL is /dashboards/{PROCESS_APP_NAME}/{HUMAN_SERVICE_NAME}?tw.local.processAppId=myProcessID.
      • If the user sees the dashboard in Process Designer or in a custom portal, the format of the URL is /teamworks/executeServiceByName?processApp={PROCESS_APP_NAME}&serviceName={HUMAN_SERVICE_NAME} followed by additional parameters to pass to the human service of the dashboard.
  7. In any custom Coach View that needs to perform dashboard navigation, publish the event to the topic that the Navigation Controller subscribes to. The callback function constructs the payload for the event. For example, the Process Summary Coach View in the Dashboards toolkit has the following callback:
    this.doNavigationCallback = function _doNavigationCallback_ProcessSummary(evt){
    		var data = (!! this.context.binding) ?  this.context.binding.get("value") : null;
    		if(data!=null && typeof(data.processId)!="undefined" && data.processId!=""){
    			var params = {};
    			params[dutils.constants.DASHBOARD_NAVIGATION_SOURCE] = "ProcessSummary";
    			params[dutils.constants.DASHBOARD_NAVIGATION_DESTINATION] = dutils.constants.PROCESS_PERFORMANCE_SERVICE;
    			params[dutils.constants.PROCESS_ID_PARAMETER] = data.processId;
    			topic.publish(dutils.constants.DASHBOARD_NAVIGATION_TOPIC, params);
    	} catch (e) {
    In this case, the payload is:

    For more examples, see the Navigation Controller and the Coach Views in the Dashboards toolkit.