Example: Creating a dashboard

This example shows you how to create a dashboard and how it functions in Process Portal.

About this task

The dashboard in this example contains a task list and a chart. The task list shows the currently active tasks. The chart shows the number of these tasks and their current states.


  1. In your process application, add a dependency to the Dashboards 8.5.0 toolkit. For information about adding a dependency to a toolkit, see Creating, changing, and deleting a toolkit dependency in the Designer view.
  2. Create a human service called MyTaskPage. For information, see Building a heritage human service.
  3. In the Variables page of MyTaskPage, add the following private variables:
    Variable name Type (location of the type)
    chartdata ChartData (Dashboards 8.5.0)
    tasklistdata TaskListData (Dashboards 8.5.0)
    chartdisplayoptions ChartDisplayOptions (Dashboards 8.5.0)
    The Variables page of MyTaskPage looks something like this screen capture:
    Screen capture that shows the variables that are listed in the table under the Private node
  4. In the MyTaskPage diagram, add a server script and a Coach to the layout. Connect the start node to the script and the script to the Coach.
    Screen capture that shows the three elements connected
  5. Select the server script and add the following JavaScript code in the implementation properties. This code initializes the variables that the dashboard uses.
    var tlProps = new tw.object.TaskListProperties();
    tlProps.includeRiskStateSummary = true;
    tw.local.chartdata = new tw.object.ChartData();
    tw.local.chartdata.plots = new tw.object.listOf.ChartDataPlot();
    tw.local.chartdata.plots[0] = new tw.object.ChartDataPlot();
    tw.local.chartdata.plots[0].series = new tw.object.listOf.ChartDataSeries();
    tw.local.chartdata.plots[0].series[0] = new tw.object.ChartDataSeries();
    tw.local.chartdata.plots[0].series[0].label = "Task risk states for current user";
    tw.local.chartdata.plots[0].series[0].data = new tw.object.listOf.ChartDataPoint();
    var tld = tw.system.retrieveTaskList(tlProps, 0, 0);
    tw.local.tasklistdata = tld;
    var riskstatesKeys = tld.riskStateSummary.keyArray();
    for (var i=riskstatesKeys.length;i--;) {
    	var dataPoint = new tw.object.ChartDataPoint();
    	dataPoint.name = tld.riskStateSummary.keyArray()[i];
    	dataPoint.value = tld.riskStateSummary.valueArray()[i];
    	tw.local.chartdata.plots[0].series[0].data.insertIntoList(0, dataPoint);
    //Setting the configuration options for the chart by script instead of the UI
    tw.local.chartdisplayoptions = new tw.object.ChartDisplayOptions();
    tw.local.chartdisplayoptions.plots = new tw.object.listOf.ChartPlotDisplayOptions();
    tw.local.chartdisplayoptions.plots[0] = new tw.object.ChartPlotDisplayOptions();
    tw.local.chartdisplayoptions.plots[0].plotType = "Columns";
    tw.local.chartdisplayoptions.plots[0].displayHorizontalAxis = true;
    tw.local.chartdisplayoptions.plots[0].displayVerticalAxis = true;
    Tip: If you see warning icons, check the spelling of your variables.
  6. In the Coach, create the layout for the dashboard:
    1. In the palette filter, select Dashboards to put the Dashboard controls onto the palette.
    2. Add a Custom HTML advanced item. In its properties, paste the following code:
      .DashboardTitle {
      	background-color: rgb(222,231,239);
      	text-indent: 50px;
      	font-size: 24px; 
      The code indents the title so that it is not overlapped by the feature that sets the landing page for Process Portal.
    3. To add the title to the dashboard, add an Output Text control and set its label to My Tasks. Clear its binding because the binding is not needed. In its HTML attributes, add the DashboardTitle class. This class is the class that you set the CSS rule for in the custom HTML.
    4. To contain the visual elements of the dashboard, add a Horizontal Section control. In the general properties of the section, set its label visibility to Hide.
    5. To add the task list to the dashboard, add a Task List control that is bound to the tasklistdata private variable to the horizontal section.
    6. To add the chart to the dashboard, add a Chart control that is bound to the chartdata private variable to the horizontal section.
    7. To set the look of the chart, configure the Chart control by setting the following configuration properties:
      Configuration property Value
      Title Tasks by Risk State
      Width 600
      Height 300
      Theme At risk or overdue
      Display options chartdisplayoptions variable
    8. Add a Navigation Controller to the layout. The Navigation Controller provides the navigation from the dashboard to the Work page.
    9. Remove the OK button that the Coach provided by default. The button is not required because there is no other Coach to transition to.
    The layout for the Coach looks something like this screen capture:
    Coach with a horizontal section that contains the task list and chart controls and a Navigation Controller below the horizontal
  7. In the Overview page of the MyTaskPage human service, set the exposure settings:
    • For Exposed To, select the Approvers team.
    • For Expose As, select Dashboard.
  8. Save your dashboard.


When you log in to Process Portal, the example dashboard is in the task list. When you select the example dashboard you can then see its contents: the task list and chart. The task list might contain tasks as shown in the following screen capture:

Screen capture that shows the dashboard with a title, a chart, and a task list
If the task list does not contain tasks, you can use the Hiring Sample to populate the task list if the sample is available. In the Work page, select Standard HR Open New Position. This action creates a submit requisition task. Do not complete and submit the task because that action moves the task to a different step in the task flow. If you return to the MyTaskPage dashboard, the task list contains this task.

When you select a task from the list, the Work page opens to display the task details. If you do not complete the task and return to the example dashboard, the task list still contains the task. If you then select the new task, the Work page shows the new task. When you return to the previous task, data that was in the form when you clicked Next or Submit is preserved.