Working with IBM BPM documents in the Document List Coach View

The "Document List" Coach View can be configured to work with IBM BPM documents. For IBM BPM documents (and unlike Enterprise Content Management documents), the default search service included in the Content Management toolkit does not need to be overridden in the view configuration. The Document List will build a CMIS query that is based on the specified IBM BPM document display options and then pass it to the service for execution.

About this task

If you choose to provide your own search service and ignore the input CMIS query, the BPM document display options specified for the Document List will have no effect on the search result.

Your custom CMIS query must include the following document properties:

  • cmis:name
  • IBM_BPM_Document_FileNameURL
  • IBM_BPM_Document_FileType
  • cmis:objectId
  • cmis:versionSeriesId

Optionally, you may also want to include the following properties to remain consistent with the default behavior:

  • MajorVersionNumber
  • cmis:lastModificationDate
  • IBM_BPM_Document_UserId

The following example shows a sample CMIS query that includes all of these properties:

SELECT cmis:name, IBM_BPM_Document_FileNameURL, MajorVersionNumber, cmis:lastModificationDate, IBM_BPM_Document_UserId, IBM_BPM_Document_FileType, cmis:objectId, cmis:versionSeriesId FROM IBM_BPM_Document
Note: If the IBM_BPM_Document_UserId property is specified, the Document List displays the Last Modified By column. The column shows the full name of the user, which it obtains from the user ID value stored in the IBM_BPM_Document_UserId property. It is important to note that if you specify a query to filter for a specific user, you must provide the user ID (rather than the full name of the user) in the WHERE clause of the CMIS select statement.

Information about the Document List view is found in the topic "Stock content controls."