BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts command-line utility

The BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts command generates SQL scripts and upgradeSchema scripts for a database that must be upgraded manually during a version-to-version migration or a refresh pack upgrade.


BPM_home/bin/BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts.sh -propertiesFile migration_properties_file


The BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts command generates SQL scripts and upgradeSchema scripts for the database that is to be migrated, updated with information such as the database name and schema name.
Note: The BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts command should be run from the BPM_home/bin directory.

For a version-to-version migration:

The BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts command generates SQL scripts and upgradeSchema scripts in the target_deployment_manager_profile/dbscripts/Upgrade directory, under the following subdirectories:
  • deployment_environment_name/DBType/database_name.schema_name
Once the SQL scripts have been generated, you can run them using one of these methods:
Note: The Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse database upgrade scripts generated under the target_install_root/profiles/profile_name/dbscripts directory do not need to be run manually, because they will be run by the DBUpgrade command.
  • Run the SQL scripts using the upgradeSchema.sh file that was generated along with the SQL scripts.
  • Run the SQL scripts directly using an SQL session.
Note: If you are using SQL Server with Windows Authentication, you must run the SQL scripts directly using an SQL session.
To run the SQL scripts directly, run the scripts in the following sequence:
  • Run all upgradeTablespac* scripts before you run any upgradeSchema* scripts.
  • Run the upgradSchema_SchemaStatus.sql script before you run any other "upgradeSchema*" SQL scripts.
Tip: If you have the Reporting function from Business Process Choreographer, which has been deprecated, you can choose to generate scripts for the removal of the Reporting function tables.

For a refresh pack upgrade:

The BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts command is interactive and prompts for properties such as temporary table names and tablespace names. The values you specify are used to generate the appropriate SQL scripts. The upgrade SQL scripts are generated under the target_install_root/profiles/profile_name/dbscripts directory.


The full path to the migration properties file in which you specified the configuration information for the target environment. The file is found in BPM_home/util/migration/resources/migration.properties. Ensure that the value of the target.config.property.file property is set to the full path of the configuration properties file that you used to create your target environment. You must also set the value of source.product.version.
Provides the command usage.
This topic applies only to the Distributed platforms


For a version-to version migration or a refresh pack upgrade: Generate SQL scripts and upgradeSchema scripts for the database components of the network deployment environment managed by deployment manager profile Dmgr01 with source version
  • For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemBPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts.sh -propertiesFile /tmp/remoteUtil/util/migration/resources/migration.properties
  • For Windows operating systemBPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts.bat -propertiesFile "C:\bpm 85\util\migration\resources\migration.properties"

Problem determination

Errors are logged in the following file:
  • For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemDmgr_Profile/logs/BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts.upgrade.timestamp.error
  • For Windows operating systemDmgr_Profile\logs\BPMGenerateUpgradeSchemaScripts.upgrade.timestamp.error