Creating an Installation Manager instance

To install and maintain IBM® Business Process Manager and WebSphere® Application Server, you must create an instance of the Installation Manager on the z/OS® system.

Before you begin

Install the Installation Manager installation kit.

About this task

The Installation Manager instance can be created in one of three modes. These modes determine whether the instance can be used by a single superuser, a single user, or by a number of user IDs that are connected to a single System Authorization Facility (SAF) group. The modes are as follows:
  • Administrator mode. The Installation Manager instance is created from a superuser ID (uid=0) and can be run by any superuser ID. Only one instance of an Installation Manager in administrator mode is permitted on a z/OS system.
  • Nonadministrator (or user) mode. The Installation Manager instance can be run only by the user that created it. Only one instance of an Installation Manager in nonadministrator mode is permitted for a user.
  • Group mode. The Installation Manager instance can be run by any user ID that is connected to the owning group for the Installation Manager. (The owning group is the default group of the user ID that creates the instance.) There is no limit to the number of Installation Manager instances in group mode on a system.

If an appropriate user ID does not yet exist, you must create a user ID (and group) to own the Installation Manager.

You must have a read/write file system for storing the following files, which are used by the running instance of Installation Manager:
  • Executable binary files, which are copied from the Installation Manager installation kit
  • Agent (or runtime) data files, which describe the products installed by the Installation Manager instance

Both of these sets of files require their own directory in the Installation Manager file system.

The Installation Manager instance also uses another directory to store shared program objects and cached files that are generated when you install product code. You can specify this location later when you install the WebSphere Application Server and IBM Business Process Manager product code.

If you prefer to submit jobs to complete this task, ensure that you review the job output to verify that each job ran without error.


  1. Set extended attributes for the installation files as follows:
    1. From the IBM Support Portal, download the fix for z/OS APAR OA34228, which enables files to be copied with extended attributes in UNIX System Services.
    2. Install the fix on the z/OS target system where the Installation Manager instance will be created and run.
    3. Ensure that the installation kit file system is mounted read/write. Then run the command from the mount point root directory to set extended attributes for the installation files.

    After the command completes, you can remount the installation files as read-only.

  2. If necessary, create the user ID and group that will own the Installation Manager instance. This user ID requires a read/write home directory, and the following permissions:
    • Read access to FACILITY profile BPX.FILEATTR.APF
    • Read access to FACILITY profile BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL
    • Read access to FACILITY profile BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB
    • Read access to UNIXPRIV profile SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHOWN

    You can use the Installation Manager sample job GIN2ADMN in the SGINJCL data set to create this user ID and group, and to assign the required SAF permissions. When the job is completed successfully, set the password for the user ID, as documented in the job instructions.

  3. If necessary, create a file system for storing the binary files, agent data files, and shared resources for the Installation Manager instance to be created.
    You can use the Installation Manager sample job GIN2CFS in the SGINJCL data set to allocate and mount the file system. This job runs the script using the following syntax: -name data_set_name -type HFS|ZFS -volume volume -cylinders primary_cylinders secondary_cylinders -megabytes primary_megabytes secondary_megabytes -mountpoint mount_point -owner owner -group group -perm permissions
    Specifies the name of the data set that is created to contain the file system.
    Specifies a zSeries file system (ZFS) or hierarchical file system (HFS).
    Specifies the volume serial number for the data set. If you omit this parameter, the volume is managed by the storage management system.
    Specifies the number of primary and secondary cylinders to be allocated to the file system. You can use either -cylinders or -megabytes, but not both.
    Specifies the primary and secondary disk space (in megabytes) to be allocated to the file system. You can use either -cylinders or -megabytes, but not both.
    Specifies the mount point directory for the file system. You can use the default location of /InstallationManager or another location of your choice. If not specified, the mount point directory is not created and the file system is not mounted.
    Specifies the user ID that owns the Installation Manager file system directories that are created. Set the user ID to the one that was created in step 2. The -owner parameter is required when -mountpoint is specified.
    Specifies the default group for the "owning" user ID. Set the group ID to the one that was created in step 2. The -group parameter is required when -mountpoint is specified.
    Sets permissions on the Installation Manager directories. Set the directory permissions to 755 for administrator or nonadministrator mode, and to 775 for group mode.

    You can also run the script from the tools directory in the location where the Installation Manager installation kit was installed. To do so, log in to the UNIX System Services shell with the user ID that was created in step 2, and then run the script. For example:

    cd /usr/lpp/InstallationManager/V1R6/tools -name OMVS.PRV.IMINST.SGINHFS -type ZFS -volume PRV005 -cylinders 2500 250 -mountpoint /InstallationManager -owner IMADMIN -group IMGROUP -perm 755

    Ensure that the file system is mounted read/write at the defined mount point.

  4. If necessary, log in to the UNIX System Services shell and then change to the directory where you installed the Installation Manager installation kit files. For example:

    cd /usr/lpp/InstallationManager/V1R6

  5. Read the license agreement terms in the product license file that is stored in the license directory. You can accept these terms when you create the instance.
  6. Create the Installation Manager instance in the required mode.

    You can use sample job GIN2INST in the SGINJCL data set to run the relevant command for the mode.

    Mode Command
    Administrator installc -installationDirectory binaries_location -dataLocation agent_data_location -acceptLicense
    Nonadministrator userinstc -installationDirectory binaries_location -dataLocation agent_data_location -acceptLicense
    Group groupinstc -installationDirectory binaries_location -dataLocation agent_data_location -acceptLicense
    In these commands:
    Specifies the directory to which you want to install the binary files. The default directory is /InstallationManager/bin for administrator or group mode, and user_home_directory/InstallationManager/bin for nonadministrator mode.
    Tip: When an Installation Manager is created in nonadministrator mode, all paths are relative to the home directory of the user.

    You can omit the -installationDirectory parameter if you want to use the default directory.

    Specifies the directory to which you want to install the agent data files. The default directory is /InstallationManager/appdata for administrator or group mode, and user_home_directory/InstallationManager/appdata for nonadministrator mode.

    You can omit this parameter if you want to use the default directory.

    Accepts the terms of the license agreement for Installation Manager.

    From a command shell, you can also run the Installation Manager command from the location where the installation kit was installed. For example:

    cd /usr/lpp/InstallationManager/V1R6

    installc -installationDirectory /InstallationManager/bin -dataLocation /InstallationManager/appdata -acceptLicense

    This example, which creates the instance in administrator mode and installs the binary and agent data files in the default directories, can also be specified as:

    installc -acceptLicense

  7. Optional: To verify that the Installation Manager instance is correctly installed, complete the following steps:
    1. Log in to the UNIX System Services shell under the user ID that created the Installation Manager.
    2. From the eclipse/tools subdirectory in the location where the Installation Manager binary files are stored, run the Installation Manager imcl command with -version. For example:

      cd /InstallationManager/bin/eclipse/tools

      imcl -version

    You can also review the log file in the logs subdirectory in the location where the Installation Manager agent data is stored.
  8. Optional: If the Installation Manager instance was created to run in group mode, consider adding the following command to an existing or a new .profile file in the home directory of each user ID that will run the Installation Manager:
    umask 002

    This command ensures that the Installation Manager files and directories are granted group-write permissions. If not added to the .profile file, chmod 775 commands might need to be issued against these directories whenever a different user ID is used to run Installation Manager in group mode.

  9. Optional: To allow additional users to run the Installation Manager instance in group mode, make sure that the user IDs meet the requirements listed in step 2. Then connect the user IDs to the owning group for the Installation Manager by using the TSO CONNECT command. For example:

    CONNECT additional_userID GROUP(IMGROUP)

What to do next

You are now ready to install the WebSphere Application Server product code.