Setting preferences

IBM® Process Designer provides several settings to control the appearance and functionality of the editors and interfaces that it includes.

About this task

The following steps describe how to access the preference settings and the following table describes the options that are available.


To set the locale for IBM Process Center Console and Process Designer, access the Process Center Console by opening your web browser to the following location: http://[host_name]:[port]/ProcessCenter. Click Preferences in the upper right corner and choose the language that you want from the drop-down list. When you change the locale, you need to exit and then re-start IBM Process Designer for the change to take effect. (When you are accessing Process Center Console from a browser, you can log out and then log back in for the change to take effect.)

The locale preference selected applies to the user who is currently logged in. Each IBM Business Process Manager interface started by the same user in the same environment uses this preference setting.


To set preferences:

  1. Select File > Preferences from the main menu.
  2. Click the IBM BPM entry to display the available options.
  3. Click the option that you want. For example, to set the user name for Blueworks Live process subscriptions, click the Blueworks Live option.
    Option Description
    Appearance Control the modeling theme for process diagrams developed in IBM Process Designer.
    Blueworks Live Set the Blueprint server URL and user name for Blueworks Live process subscriptions.
    Capabilities Control the capabilities of the current user. For example, to create external activities in IBM Process Designer, you must enable IBM BPM Developer Capability and IBM BPM Advanced Features.
    Decisions Control the locale setting for BAL Rules.
    JavaScript Set preferences for the JavaScript editor included in IBM Process Designer. For example, you can choose whether to display JavaScript warnings.
    Optimizer Settings Set options for the Optimizer. For example, the KPI thresholds used by the Visualization Modes are the thresholds from the current working version of your process application or toolkit. If you want to use the KPI thresholds from the snapshot (version) of your process application or toolkit that was most recently run and tracked, change the Optimizer preference setting to: Use the KPI threshold values from the actual version of the Process App/Toolkit.
    Passwords Manage the passwords that have been stored when running tasks from the Inspector.