listWSRRDefinitions command

Use this command to return a list of all the WSRR definitions that exist in the cell.

Before you begin

The listWSRRDefinitions command is run using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
  • Locate the command that starts the wsadmin scripting client: this is found in the install_root\bin directory.
  • Run the wsadmin command.
    • If the server is not running, use the -conntype none option.
    • If you are not connecting to the default profile, use the -profileName profile_name option.
Use the following command to list all the WSRR administrative commands.
$AdminTask help SIBXWSRRAdminCommands
Use the following command to get detailed help on a particular command.
$AdminTask help command_name


$AdminTask listWSRRDefinitions

Required parameters

Not applicable.
