Configuring dashboards using the command line

You can set up and configure the Business Space component using the wsadmin command. You can use the wsadmin command to perform the same configuration of Business Space that you can perform in the administrative console.

Before you begin

Before you begin this task, you must complete the following tasks:
  • Install the product software and create a profile. When you install your product, Business Space files are included with the installation for the profiles that you set up. Your profile is not configured for Business Space until you explicitly configure Business Space on the profile.
  • If you want to set up a secured environment for Business Space, enable security.
  • If you plan to use a database design file for the Business Space database information, complete the steps in Creating a Business Space database design properties file.
  • Configure Representational State Transfer (REST) services. If you have a stand-alone server environment or you are using the Deployment Environment wizard to configure your runtime environment, the REST service endpoints are configured and enabled automatically. For other environments, use the REST services administrative console page to configure the REST services. If you want widgets to be available in Business Space, you must configure the REST service endpoints for those widgets. You must register the REST endpoints so that Business Space associates widgets with the endpoints and the widgets appear in the palette for use.
  • If you want to configure Business Space on a server or cluster using a different data source than the product data source, create the data source in the server or cluster scope with the correct JNDI name of jdbc/mashupDS before configuring Business Space (before running the configureBusinessSpace command).
  • For Oracle, to use a different schema for the Business Space tables than the one used by the product database, complete the following steps to create a data source manually before you run the commands to install and configure Business Space in the procedure below:
    • Use the administrative console to configure the JDBC provider.
    • Use the administrative console to create a data source with the JNDI name of jdbc/mashupDS at the server or cluster scope, depending on your environment.

About this task

You can use the command line to configure Business Space if you want to write scripts instead of using the administrative console to configure Business Space.

If you are not sure whether Business Space is already configured, you can run the getBusinessSpaceDeployStatus command to check whether Business Space is configured on a server, cluster, or cell. For more information about that command, see "getBusinessSpaceDeployStatus command."

To configure Business Space, complete the following steps.


  1. Open a command window.

    The wsadmin command can be found in the profile_root/bin directory for a stand-alone server environment, or in the deployment_manager_profile_root/bin directory for a network deployment environment.

  2. At the command prompt, type the wsadmin command to start the wsadmin environment.
  3. Use the installBusinessSpace command to install the Business Space enterprise archive (EAR) files in your runtime environment.
  4. Use the configureBusinessSpace command to configure the data source for Business Space and copy the scripts that configure the database tables to profile_root/dbscripts/BusinessSpace/node_name_server_name/database_type/database_name for a stand-alone server or profile_root/dbscripts/BusinessSpace/cluster_name/database_type/database_name for a cluster.

    If you did not specify the createTables parameter as true when running the configureBusinessSpace command, you must run the scripts that configure the database tables. For more information about the scripts, see Configuring the Business Space database.

    If you are using a database design file for database configuration, you can use the -bspacedbDesign parameter to designate that file when you run the configureBusinessSpace command.

    If you are using Windows Authentication with Microsoft SQL Server, make sure to specify the -dbWinAuth parameter as true.

  5. After each command, run (Jython) or $AdminConfig save (Jacl).
  6. Run the scripts to configure the database tables for Business Space before starting the deployment environment or the clusters. For more information, see Configuring the Business Space database.


Configuring Business Space sets up a browser-based graphical user interface for the business users of your application that is running with the profile you set up. In Business Space, you and your application users can customize content from products in the WebSphere® business process management portfolio.


The following example uses Jython to run the installBusinessSpace and configureBusinessSpace commands to install the EAR files and configure the data source for Business Space on a cluster. The example designates the schema and the product database to use with Business Space when multiple products are installed. In a situation where both IBM® Business Process Manager and IBM Business Monitor are installed, this example creates a Business Space data source using the properties of the IBM Business Process Manager data source.

AdminTask.installBusinessSpace('[-clusterName myCluster -save
	myCluster -schemaName mySchema -productTypeForDatasource
	WPS -save true]')

The following example uses Jacl:

$AdminTask installBusinessSpace {-clusterName myCluster -save
$AdminTask configureBusinessSpace {-clusterName
 myCluster -schemaName mySchema -productTypeForDatasource
 WPS -save true}

What to do next

Tip: If you are using Oracle, the password of the authentication alias of the Business Space data source is set to the same name as the schema name of Business Space. The default value of the schema is IBMBUSSP. When you configure Business Space, you can specify a different schema on the administrative console or in the command line. In that case, the default password is the same as the schema you specify. If you want to use a different password for the Business Space user name, you must use the administrative console to updated JDBC Resources: Find the data source jdbc/mashupsDS. Modify the value of the authentication alias to make it match the password of the Business Space schema name. Save your changes and restart the server.
After configuring Business Space, you must complete the following steps to enable Business Space for your runtime environment.
  • Register the endpoints with the registerRESTserviceEndpoint command.
  • Set up security that you need to use with Business Space and the widgets your team is using. For more information, see "Setting up security for Business Space."
Tip: The Business Space component uses a proxy component to connect to your REST services. In some cases, if REST services are not responsive, you must update the connection timeout settings to your REST services, depending on the performance of the REST service servers. For more information, see Changing the timeout settings for the Business Space Ajax proxy.