Using the Performance Data Warehouse command-line tool (perfDWTool)

To ensure that performance databases are performing optimally, use perfDWTool. Indicates this functionality was introduced in fixpack example, you can use the prune command to purge records that are no longer needed.

Accessing perfDWTool

The perfDWTool must be run from an active node in the support cluster.

For example, on a single cluster installation, if the install_root is C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer and the profile_name is Node1Profile, the path is as follows:

perfDWTool syntax

For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating system -u user_name -p password -nodeName node_name 
-serverName server_name command-name -command-arg 
For Windows operating system
perfDWTool.bat -u user_name -p password -nodeName node_name 
-serverName server_name command-name -command-arg 

The following table lists all the options available with perfDWTool.

Table 1. Options available in the Performance Data Warehouse tool
Option Action Required or Optional
-?, -help Displays information about the options, commands, and arguments available with this command-line tool. Optional
-u, user_name Specifies the user name for connecting to the Performance Data Warehouse. You must include this option each time you invoke the tool. Required
-p, password Specifies the password for connecting to the Performance Data Warehouse. You must include this option each time you invoke the tool. Required
-nodeName node_name Specifies the name of the node on which the Performance Data Warehouse is installed. Required
-serverName server_name Specifies the server name to use if the Performance Data Warehouse is installed in a network deployment environment. Optional
command-name -command-arg Specifies the command to run with perfDWTool.

The commands and command arguments are listed in Table 2.


Commands available with perfDWTool

The tool includes the following commands:

Table 2. Commands available in the Performance Data Warehouse tool
Command Action
Indicates this functionality was introduced in fixpack Indicates this functionality was introduced in fixpack data from the Performance Data Warehouse database. The prune command removes data that is older than the number of days specified by the -daysOld parameter.
archive Archives the snapshots that you specify and marks all the metadata in those snapshots with an ARCHIVED time stamp. IBM® Business Process Manager does not use archived metadata when it generates Performance Data Warehouse schema and views.

To specify snapshots, use the ID for each snapshot from the SNAPSHOTS view in the performance database.

restore Restores the snapshots that you specify. The restore command nulls out the ARCHIVED time stamp and allows the metadata of the snapshot to contribute to the Performance Data Warehouse physical schema and views.

To specify snapshots, use the ID for each snapshot from the SNAPSHOTS view in the performance database.

pending Identifies failed definition records and resolves their pending state. You can also use the pending command to review and then commit pending schema changes from the archive and restore commands.