Additions to message formats for web-based transfers

The Started and Completed log messages from a transfer that was requested through the IBM® MQ Managed File Transfer Web Gateway include extra metadata. This metadata contains information about the HTTP request and about the application server hosting the Web Gateway.

Definitions of web metadata
The method of authorization used by the user who submits the request to the Web Gateway.
The locale of the user who submits the request to the Web Gateway.
The type of application server that hosts the Web Gateway.
The host name or IP address of the system where the application server that hosts the Web Gateway is running.
The port number that the application server that hosts the Web Gateway is listening on.

The metadata that is included in the log messages for a transfer that was requested through the Web Gateway is highlighted in the following examples.

Single file transfer - success

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<transaction version="1.00"
	ID="414d5120514d312020202020202020207e970d4920008202" agentRole="sourceAgent"
	<action time="2008-11-02T21:20:37.578Z">started</action>
	<sourceAgent agent="FTEAGENT" QMgr="QM1">
		<systemInfo architecture="x86" name="Windows 7"
			version="6.1 build 7601 Service Pack 1"/>
	<destinationAgent agent="FTEAGENT" QMgr="QM1"/>
		<userID>USER1   </userID>
	<transferSet startTime="2008-11-02T21:20:37.593Z" total="1">
			<metaData key="">BASIC</metaData>
			<metaData key="">en_GB</metaData>
			<metaData key="">
				Apache Geronimo (Embedded Tomcat/6.0.20-20090724)
			<metaData key="">8080</metaData>
			<metaData key=""></metaData>

Single file transfer success - completed

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<transaction version="1.00"
	ID="414d5120514d312020202020202020207e970d4920008202" agentRole="sourceAgent"
	<action time="2008-11-02T21:20:38.234Z">completed</action>
	<sourceAgent agent="FTEAGENT" QMgr="QM1">
		<systemInfo architecture="x86" name="Windows 7"
			version="6.1 build 7601 Service Pack 1"/>
	<destinationAgent agent="FTEAGENT" QMgr="QM1">
		<systemInfo architecture="x86" name="Windows 7"
			version="6.1 build 7601 Service Pack 1"/>
		<mqmdUserID>USER1   </mqmdUserID>
	<transferSet startTime="2008-11-02T21:20:37.593Z" total="1">
			<metaData key="">BASIC</metaData>
			<metaData key="">en_GB</metaData>
			<metaData key="">
				Apache Geronimo (Embedded Tomcat/6.0.20-20090724)
			<metaData key="">8080</metaData>
			<metaData key=""></metaData>
Note: Note: The XML message formats described here are not the same as the message formats that are returned as responses from the Web Gateway. The XML formats that are returned by the Web Gateway are documented in the following topic: Response formats: XML and JSON.