Tracing TLS: runmqakm, strmqikm, and runmqckm functions

How to trace Transport Layer Security (TLS), and request runmqakm tracing and strmqikm (iKeyman) and runmqckm (iKeycmd) tracing.

strmqikm and runmqckm trace

To request strmqikm tracing, run the strmqikm command for your platform with the following -D flags.

On UNIX, Linux®, and Windows:

strmqikm -Dkeyman.debug=true -Dkeyman.jnitracing=ON

To request runmqckm tracing, run the runmqckm command for your platform with the following -D flags.

On UNIX, Linux, and Windows:

runmqckm -Dkeyman.debug=true -Dkeyman.jnitracing=ON

strmqikm and runmqckm write three trace files to the directory from which you start them, so consider starting iKeyman or runmqckm from the trace directory to which the runtime TLS trace is written: /var/mqm/trace on UNIX and Linux systems and MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/trace on Windows. MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which IBM® MQ is installed.

The trace file generated by strmqikm and runmqckm has the following format:

debugTrace. n
where n is an incrementing number starting at 0.

runmqakm trace

To request runmqakm tracing, run the runmqakm command with the following flags:

runmqakm -trace filename
where filename is the name of the trace file to create. You cannot format the runmqakm trace file. Send it unchanged to IBM support. The runmqakm trace file is a binary file and, if it is transferred to IBM support via FTP, it must be transferred in binary transfer mode.

Runtime TLS trace

On UNIX, Linux, and Windows systems, you can independently request trace information for strmqikm, runmqckm, the runtime TLS functions, or a combination of these.

The runtime TLS trace files have the names AMQ.TLS.TRC and AMQ.TLS.TRC.1 and the TLS trace files have the names AMQ.SSL.TRC and AMQ.SSL.TRC.1. You cannot format any of the TLS trace files; send them unchanged to IBM support. The TLS trace files are binary files and, if they are transferred to IBM support via FTP, they must be transferred in binary transfer mode.