Why should I use WebSphere MQ classes for Java?

A Java application can use either WebSphere® MQ classes for Java or WebSphere MQ classes for JMS to access WebSphere MQ resources. There are a number of advantages to using WebSphere MQ classes for Java.

If the following points are significant in your installation, consider using Websphere MQ classes for Java:
  • WebSphere MQ classes for Java encapsulate the Message Queue Interface (MQI), the native WebSphere MQ API.
    • If you are familiar with the use of the MQI in procedural languages, you can transfer this knowledge to the Java environment.
    • You can exploit the full range of features of WebSphere MQ, beyond those available through JMS.
  • WebSphere MQ classes for Java use a similar object model to the C++ and .NET interfaces to WebSphere MQ. If you are familiar with these interfaces, you can transfer this knowledge to the Java environment.