TCP stanza of the client configuration file

Use the TCP stanza to specify TCP network protocol configuration parameters.

The following attributes can be included in the TCP stanza:
ClntRcvBuffSize=number| 32768
The size in bytes of the TCP/IP receive buffer used by the client end of a client-connection server-connection channel. A value of zero indicates that the operating system will manage the buffer sizes, as opposed to the buffer sizes being fixed by WebSphere MQ.
ClntSndBuffSize=number| 32768
The size in bytes of the TCP/IP send buffer used by the client end of a client-connection server-connection channel. A value of zero indicates that the operating system will manage the buffer sizes, as opposed to the buffer sizes being fixed by WebSphere MQ.
The number of seconds before an attempt to connect the socket times out; the default is 0 unless the channel has been configured with a non-zero client channel weighting in which case the default is 5.
Specifies which IP protocol to use for a channel connection.

It has the possible string values of MQIPADDR_IPV4 or MQIPADDR_IPV6. These values have the same meanings as IPV4 and IPV6 in ALTER QMGR IPADDRV.

Switch the KeepAlive function on or off. KeepAlive=YES causes TCP/IP to check periodically that the other end of the connection is still available. If it is not, the channel is closed.
WindowsLibrary1=DLLName| WSOCK32
Windows(Windows only) The name of the TCP/IP sockets DLL.