Defining channels, listeners, and transmission queues

On the source queue manager (source.queue.manager), issue the following MQSC commands to define the channels, listener, and the transmission queue:

  1. Define the sender channel at the source queue manager:
      DEFINE CHANNEL ('') +
             CHLTYPE(SDR) +
             CONNAME (RHX5498) +
             XMITQ ('target.queue.manager') +
  2. Define the receiver channel at the source queue manager:
      DEFINE CHANNEL ('') +
             CHLTYPE(RCVR) +
  3. Define the listener on the source queue manager:
      DEFINE LISTENER ('source.queue.manager') +
             TRPTYPE (TCP)
  4. Define the transmission queue on the source queue manager:
      DEFINE QLOCAL ('target.queue.manager') +
             USAGE (XMITQ)

Issue the following commands on the target queue manager (target.queue.manager), to create the channels, listener, and the transmission queue:

  1. Define the sender channel on the target queue manager:
      DEFINE CHANNEL ('') +
             CHLTYPE(SDR) +
             CONNAME (RHX7721) +
             XMITQ ('source.queue.manager') +
  2. Define the receiver channel on the target queue manager:
      DEFINE CHANNEL ('') +
             CHLTYPE(RCVR) +
  3. Define the listener on the target queue manager:
      DEFINE LISTENER ('target.queue.manager') +
             TRPTYPE (TCP)
  4. Define the transmission queue on the target queue manager:
      DEFINE QLOCAL ('source.queue.manager') +
             USAGE (XMITQ)
Note: The TCP/IP connection names specified for the CONNAME attribute in the sender channel definitions are for illustration only. This is the network name of the machine at the other end of the connection. Use the values appropriate for your network.