Start of changeIBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3     Supports:  CMIS for Content Manager

Path-based data model

You can manually create or remove the path model and all related definitions at any time by using Java tools that are installed with IBM® CMIS for Content Manager.

To create or remove the data model, you use the system where IBM CMIS for Content Manager is installed, not the system with Content Manager EE. You must use the Content Manager EE administrator ID that has permissions to create definitions.

The following two Java tools manually create and remove the model:
The create tool detects existing definitions and continues where it left off. The tool verifies the existence of definitions, but it does not validate their accuracy.
The remove tool detects existing definitions. If an error occurred during a previous attempt, the tool continues deleting where it left off.

Anytime you remove and create the model again, you must restart IBM CMIS for Content Manager.

Content Manager EE definition changes are not recognized by IBM CMIS for Content Manager until you restart the services. If you attempt to use a new, changed, or removed definition without restarting IBM CMIS for Content Manager, you receive a server error.

Depending on connection pooling behavior, some users who receive new connections might see some updated definitions, but other users who reuse existing connections see the old cached definitions. Even if all of the connections in the pool timeout and reconnect, some definitions remain cached globally for all connections, for example, MIME types.

If you define a new document type definition, the definition is not displayed in the document type list or All ItemTypes library until you restart IBM CMIS for Content Manager. Some new connections might see the changes while others might not. Similarly, if you change or define new MIME types, you must restart IBM CMIS for Content Manager before you can use the new or changed MIME types.

End of change