IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3         

Layout widgets package

The ecm.widget.layout package contains classes that define components of the web client layout.

These widgets define components of the web client layout.
Table 1. Widgets that define components of the web client layout
Widget class Description
_TabContainerBase Provides the outermost tab container for a tabbed layout.
AdminPane Provides a pane that is used to display the administration interface in the layout.
BaseLayout Provides the base class from which all other layout widgets are derived.
BookmarkActionsHandler Extends the CommonActionsHandler class to provide additional handlers for actions that are related to bookmarks.
BookmarkLayout Provides a desktop layout that is used to display bookmarks.
BrowseFlyoutPane Provides a fly-out pane that is used to browse folders and documents.
BrowsePane Provides a pane that is used to browse folders and documents.
CommonActionsHandler Provides the default implementation for many of the common actions. This class invokes methods from the ecm.widget.dialog package and ecm.model package.
FavoritesPane Provides a pane that is used to store and access the documents, folders, or predefined searches that a user uses most frequently.
FlyoutMenuContainerChild Provides a container for the fly-out panes that are used for features.
HorizontalScrollPane Provides a pane that can be scrolled horizontally.
LaunchBarContainer Provides a vertical bar that displays the features available in a layout.
MainLayout Provides the main layout for IBM® Content Navigator or for similar desktop layouts. This class displays the launch bar that contains the features on the left side of the layout.
ManageTeamspacesPane Provides a widget that displays a list of all teamspaces and teamspace templates that a user can access. From the list, a user with appropriate authority can open, edit, and delete teamspaces and teamspace templates. A user with the appropriate authority can also open the builder to create new templates and teamspaces from this widget.
NavigatorMainLayout Extends the MainLayout class to provide additional interactions that are specific to IBM Content Navigator.
RecentActivityPane Provides a pane that displays information about the recent activity on items.
SearchFlyoutPane Provides a fly-out pane that contains the search interface for a layout.
SearchPane Provides a pane that contains the search interface for a layout.
TeamspaceBuilderPane Provides a pane to display the teamspace builder in the layout.
TeamspaceFlyoutPane Provides a fly-out pane that is used for the teamspaces feature in the launch bar.
TeamspacePane Provides a pane that is used to display a teamspace in the layout.
WorkFlyoutPane Provides a fly-out pane that is used to select repositories and to navigate IBM Content Manager worklists and IBM FileNet® P8 application spaces.
WorkPane Provides a pane that contains workflow navigation components. This pane restricts repository selection to IBM FileNet P8 repositories with workflow privileges and IBM Content Manager repositories.