IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3         

Dialog box widgets package

The ecm.widget.dialog package contains classes that define the dialog boxes that are used in the IBM® Content Navigator web client.

Message dialog boxes

These widgets define dialog boxes that are used to display messages.
Table 1. Widgets that are used to display messages
Widget class Description
ErrorDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to display an error message that was generated by a service request.
MessageDialog Provides a dialog box that displays a simple message to the user.
StatusDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to display a status message during the processing of a request to the server.

Search dialog boxes

These widgets define dialog boxes that support the searching.
Table 2. Widgets that are used to search for items
Widget class Description
SearchBuilderDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to add search templates.
SearchDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to open and run saved searches.
SearchSelectorDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to select search templates.

Selection dialog boxes

These widgets define dialog boxes that are used to select objects and users.
Table 3. Widgets that are used to select items
Widget class Description
ContentClassSelectorDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to select content classes.
SelectObjectDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to search for and select repository items.
SelectUserGroupDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to select users and groups.

Work item and workflow dialog boxes

These widgets define dialog boxes that are used with work items and workflows.
Table 4. Widgets that are used with work items and workflows
Widget class Description
ManageProcessRolesDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to modify FileNet® P8 process role members.
ReassignToUserDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to reassign an FileNet P8 workflow item to another user.
StartWorkflowDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to start documents or folders on a IBM Content Manager document routing workflow.
StepProcessorWindow Provides a mechanism that is used to open the FileNet P8 step processor user interface in a separate browser window.
StepRoutingWindow Provides a mechanism that is used to display the IBM Content Manager Step Processor in a dialog.
SuspendWorkItemsDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to suspend work items in a IBM Content Manager workflow.
TransferedWorkflowsDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to launch a transferred workflow. Displays and enables user to select from a list of FileNet P8 workflows to launch.
WorkflowSubscriptionsDialog Provides a dialog that is used to display FileNet P8 workflow subscriptions associated with the class of the target object to be used for selecting a FileNet P8 workflow to launch.
WorkflowPreferencesDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to view FileNet P8 workflow user preferences. These values are saved to the Process Engine server and not the Admin database.

Miscellaneous dialog boxes

These widgets define various dialog boxes.
Table 5. Widgets that define dialog boxes
Widget class Description
AboutDialog Provides a dialog box that displays information about the application such as version information.
AddAnnotationDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to add annotations to a document in an IBM Content Manager OnDemand repository.
AddContentItemDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to add documents or folders to a repository. Users can use this dialog box to specify all required parameters for adding documents or folders.
AddToFavoritesDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to add a repository item as a favorite.
AnnotationDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to add and view annotations for an item in an IBM Content Manager OnDemand repository.
ApplyRemoveHoldDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to apply or remove holds on IBM Content Manager OnDemand documents.
BaseDialog Provides the base dialog box from which all other ecm.widget.dialog dialog box classes are derived.
ChangePasswordDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to change the password on an IBM Content Managerserver or an IBM Content Manager OnDemand server.
CheckInDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to check documents in to a repository.
ConfirmationDialog Provides a dialog box that displays a question and prompts the user to approve or cancel the action.
ContentViewerWindow Provides a separate browser window that displays the ContentViewer widget.
CreateHoldDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to create a hold on an IBM Content Manager OnDemand item.
EditPropertiesDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to edit the properties of documents, folders, and content items.
LoginDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to log in to a content server.
MoveFileDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to move a document or folder from one folder to another folder.
PrintDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to print one or more documents.
ShowHyperlinkDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to display the hyperlink to a folder or the hyperlink to a specific version of a document.
UnfileDialog Provides a dialog box that is used to remove a document or a folder from a folder.
YesNoCancelDialog Provides a dialog box that displays a question and the buttons Yes, No, and Cancel.