IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3         

CMIS document and folder types

Type information is retrieved from the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand folder. An IBM Content Manager OnDemand folder is the mechanism through which users search for documents that have common properties; therefore, the folder contains the metadata information as IBM Content Manager OnDemand criteria.

Because IBM Content Manager OnDemand does not have hierarchical folders, only the cmis:document and cmis:folder base types are available. The CMISType.getSubTypes method always returns an empty list.

IBM Content Manager OnDemand does not have folders. Therefore, IBM CMIS for Content Manager OnDemand implements the minimum CMISTypeFolder requirements of the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services specification.

Because of the limited CMISTypeFolder implementation, the following properties return a value of false:
  • cmis:creatable
  • cmis:fileable
  • cmis:queryable