IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3         

Samples for IBM Content Navigator

The IBM® Content Navigator software package includes several samples: a plug-in, the external data service plug-in, and a set of web pages. You can use these samples to create custom applications.

Sample external data service

The sample external data service (EDS) implements a service that uses various data from an external source. For example, this sample includes the implementations of the following EDS capabilities:
  • Simple validation using regular expressions
  • Choice lists
  • Dependent choice lists
  • Workflow-specific choice lists

The sample web pages are available in the ECMClient_installdir\samples\sampleEDSService directory.

Sample web pages

This sample web application provides HTML pages that use IBM Content Navigator modeling classes and widget classes. The pages demonstrate different aspects of the IBM Content Navigator toolkit.

The sample web pages are available in the ECMClient_installdir\samples\samplePages directory.

Sample plug-in application

The sample plug-in implements a plug-in that demonstrates several extension capabilities available to plug-in writers. The files in this sample application show you how to create custom components such as a custom viewer, menus, features, and services for use in the IBM Content Navigator web client.

The sample plug-in also includes code that shows you how to use action handling for custom file uploads. This functionality in the sample includes client single file upload control, server access of the uploaded document in the plug-in action, and sample file manipulation code.

The files for the sample plug-in are available in the ECMClient_installdir\samples\samplePlugin directory. The SamplePlugin.jar file that you can deploy by using the IBM Content Navigator administration tool is available in the ECMClient_installdir\navigator directory.

Table 1. Sample files in the sample plug-in application:
Task Files and description
Create a plug-in The following files must be used to instantiate plug-ins and methods:
  • SamplePlugin.css
  • SamplePlugin.js
  • SamplePluginAction.gif
  • ConfigurationPane.html
  • ConfigurationPane.js
Create a custom menu action The following sample files can be used to create a custom menu action:
  • CustomAction.js
  • FileUploadCustomAction.js
  • FileUploadPopupDialog.js
Create a custom menu The following sample files can be used to create a custom menu:
Create a custom feature The following sample files can be used to create a custom feature:
  • SampleFeaturePane.js
Create a custom layout The following sample files can be used to create a custom feature:
  • SampleLayout.js
Create a custom repository type The following sample files can be used to create a custom repository type:
  • Start of change End of change
Create a request or response filter The following sample files can be used to create a request or response filter:
Create a custom service The following sample files can be used to create a custom service:
Create a custom service that uploads files The following sample files can be used to create a custom service that uploads files:
  • FileUploadPopupDialog.html
Create a custom viewer The following sample files can be used to create a custom viewer:
  • SampleImageViewer.js
  • SampleImageViewer.html
Create a custom widget The following sample files can be used to create a custom widget:
  • MessagesDialog.js
  • MessagesDialog.html
  • PopupDialog.js
  • PopupDialog.html
  • SamplePlugin.js
Create a custom section in the properties pane
  • SampleItemPropertiesPaneExtension.js