IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3     Supports:  FileNet P8

Exporting the LTPA key from the Content Engine server (FileNet P8)

If IBM® Content Navigator and Content Engine are not deployed to the same cell in WebSphere® Application Server, you must set up Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) security between the applications in WebSphere Application Server.

Before you begin

This task assumes that you have configured LTPA on the Content Engine server and generated an LTPA key from the Content Engine server.

About this task

Restriction: You do not need to complete this task if:
  • You are not going to connect to IBM FileNet® Content Manager repositories
  • You are deploying IBM Content Navigator and Content Engine to the same WebSphere Application Server cell
The LTPA key settings for the Content Engine application must match the settings for IBM Content Navigator. Before you can configure and deploy IBM Content Navigator, you must:
  • Configure LTPA on the Content Engine application server, if it is not already configured
  • Generate the LTPA key on the Content Engine application server, if it is not already generated
  • Export the LTPA key from the Content Engine server
  • Copy the LTPA key file to the IBM Content Navigator server

The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool uses the LTPA key file to configure LTPA for the IBM Content Navigator application.


To export and copy the Content Engine LTPA key:

  1. On the Content Engine server, log in to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
  2. Click Security > Global security.
  3. From the right pane, select LTPA.
  4. In the Cross-cell single sign-on field, type the LTPA password.
  5. In the Key File Name field, enter the fully qualified path of the directory where you want to export the key file to. For example, enter /opt/LTPA/ltpa_key_name or C:\LTPA\ltpa_key_name
  6. Click Export keys. Verify that a message like the following message is displayed:
    The keys were successfully exported to the file ltpa_key_name
  7. Click OK and save your changes to the master configuration.
  8. Copy the key file from the Content Engine server location that you specified to a directory on the IBM Content Navigator server. For example, copy the /opt/LTPA/ltpa_key_name key file.