
Designers can collaborate on Journey Designer storyboards and chat in real time.

Storyboards are private by default.

When you make them public, anyone with access to your organization's Journey Designer account can work with them. Colleagues can simultaneously edit a storyboard and see their comments and edits in real time.

Use chat to communicate in real time, as you work together.

Send requests to ask team members to perform actions or give their approval. For example, send a work request to a team member to design a logo for a touchpoint. Then send an approval request to the legal team to approve the design. To view requests, use the Details option on the storyboard or touchpoint menu.

Check the Message Center to see alerts and notifications from other team members.

Journey Designer generates alerts when due dates are missed or are changed to dates earlier than originally scheduled.

A notification is a message from one user to another, typically about changes made to items or tasks to be performed. Examples are updates to a flowchart or mailing list or reminders about a deadline for an assigned task.