Moving applications to the cloud

Modernize your traditional applications and move them to the cloud to speed in-market delivery, improve developer productivity, and reduce complexity and costs. Migration reports, IBM Cloud® Transformation Advisor, IBM® Mono2Micro, and WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit can help you determine needed changes, update your applications, and deploy them to a cloud.

Modernization capabilities available with WebSphere Application Server

  • Analyzing your applications

    You can use the WebSphere Application Server administrative console Analyze option or wsadmin Migration commands to generate migration reports that help you modernize enterprise applications. The reports indicate which IBM platforms support technologies that are used by your applications, identify potential migration issues, inventory the content and structure of your applications, and list features to include in a Liberty server configuration file.

  • Migrating your applications with WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit

    You can use WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit to migrate applications to the cloud, migrate between versions of WebSphere Application Server and Liberty, migrate from third-party application servers, and more. Two versions of the toolkit are available: one that analyzes source code, and one that analyzes application binary files.

Additional modernization tools

The following modernization tools are available in IBM Cloud Pak® for Applications, WebSphere Hybrid Edition, and other bundles containing WebSphere Application Server. See the particular tool for details.