For Distributed operating systems

Packaging a Liberty server by using developer tools

You can create a compressed file containing a server runtime environment, server configuration, and applications using the packaging wizard.

About this task

Because a Liberty server is lightweight, you might find it useful to package up your applications and server in a compressed file. You can then store this package, distribute it to colleagues, use it to deploy the application to a different location or to another machine, or even embed it in your product distribution.


  1. In the Servers view, stop the server.
  2. Right-click your Liberty server, and select Utilities > Package Server....
  3. In the Package Server page, in the Archive field, type a filename and path for your archive package, or click Browse to locate a filename and path. This filename can include a full path name. If the full path is omitted, a compressed file called is created in the ${server.output.dir} directory.
  4. In the Include field, select whether to include:
    • Full runtime (all)
    • Minimal runtime (minify)
    • No runtime (usr)
    For details on these include options, see Packaging a Liberty server from the command prompt topic.
  5. Click Finish.