Setting up a development environment for web services

The application server provides command-line tools to develop web services clients and implementations that are based on the Web Services for Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) specification. You must set up your development environment before you start developing web services.

Before you begin

Before you can set up a web services development environment within WebSphere® Application Server, you must install WebSphere Application Server. For detailed information on installing the application server, read about installing your application server environment.

About this task

Set up a web services development environment by completing the following actions.


  1. Set up the environment.

    [Windows]Run the setupCmdLine.bat command from the /profile_root/<application_server>/bin directory.

    [Linux][AIX][HP-UX][Solaris]Operating systems such as AIX or Linux® source the script to the parent shell to inherit the exported variables by running this command:
    . ./  (Notice the space between the periods.)
    from the . /profile_root/<application_server>/bin directory.

    [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows]You can set WAS_USER_SCRIPT to profile_root\<application_server>\bin\setupCmdLine.bat, which has the same effect as running the setupCmdLine command.

  2. [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows]Configure the path.
    You can add the WebSphere and Java bin directories to your path by typing:
    set PATH=%WAS_PATH%
    export PATH=$WAS_PATH:$PATH


You have set up an environment so that you can develop Web services.

What to do next

Implement web services applications. See the task overview for implementing web services applications information to learn about how to develop and implement a Java EE web service.