Data source lookups for enterprise beans and web modules

During either application assembly or deployment, you must bind the resource reference to the Java™ Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name of the actual resource in the runtime environment. You can take this action in the assembly tool or as one of the steps during installation of the application enterprise archive (EAR) file.

Bean-managed persistence bean

When developing your bean-managed persistence (BMP) bean you generally lack knowledge about the name of the data source on the target application server. In your code, do not look up the data source directly. Instead, you look up the resource reference from the java:comp/env namespace file. Let us assume that you look up the resource reference named ref/ds, for example:
javax.sql.DataSource dSource = (javax.sql.DataSource)((new InitialContext()).lookup("java:comp/env/ref/ds"));

In the assembly tool, you specify the name ref/ds in the Resource Reference page on the General Tab. If you know the name of the data source you can specify it in this Resource References page on the Bindings Tab. Note that if you do not specify it here , you must provide this JNDI name when you install the application EAR file.

Container-managed persistence bean

The data source binding process for the container-managed persistence (CMP) bean is the same process that you perform for bean-managed persistence (BMP) beans. Use the data source JNDI name as a WebSphere® binding property for each bean during application assembly.

Servlets and JavaServer Pages Files

In a servlet application, you look up the data source exactly as you look it up in the BMP bean case.