EJB JNDI names [Settings]

For each Session enterprise bean in the composition unit, you can specify the JNDI name by which the enterprise bean is known in the runtime environment.

This panel shows one row of information for each Session enterprise bean. The final column, Mapped JNDI Name, specifies the JNDI name to which the enterprise bean is mapped.

If a JNDI name mapping for an enterprise bean is defined in the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml file in the EJB bundle, the corresponding JNDI name is displayed in the Mapped JNDI Name column for that enterprise bean, otherwise the column is empty. You can modify any existing mappings, and specify new ones, as required, by entering the appropriate values in the Mapped JNDI Name column.

To view this panel in the administrative console, click one of the following paths:
  • Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > [Deployed assets] Add > Add Asset > asset_name > Wizard step: Provide EJB JNDI names
  • Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > composition_unit_name > [Additional Properties] EJB JNDI names
Note: The Provide EJB JNDI names wizard step and the EJB JNDI names property are visible only if the OSGi application contains at least one EJB bundle that has at least one session enterprise bean.
For each enterprise bean, the panel shows the following information:
Bundle symbolic name
The non-localizable name for this bundle.
Bundle version
The version of this bundle.
EJB Name
The EJB name that has been declared in an annotation or in an XML configuration file, or the EJB class name if the EJB name has not been declared explicitly.
EJB Interface
The EJB interface name.
Interface Type
The interface type of the enterprise bean. The value displayed in this column is either "Local", "Remote", or "No Interface".
Mapped JNDI Name
The JNDI name to which the enterprise bean is mapped. You can change the value in this column as required.