Upload bundle [Settings]

Upload a bundle into the internal bundle repository. You can upload single bundles, composite bundles, and grouped-up sets of bundles.

If your OSGi applications are configured to expect to find certain bundles in the internal bundle repository, you must add those bundles to the repository. Composite bundles can either be included directly in your applications, or provisioned from the internal bundle repository or from an external repository that can process composite bundles. If your bundle includes Blueprint XML files that specify service or reference elements, and the bundle is included in an EBA asset or installed in the internal bundle repository, then these elements are respected during provisioning and appropriate services are provisioned when needed. For more information, see Provisioning for OSGi applications.

You can install bundles singly, or you can install a set of bundles packaged as a compressed archive file with a .zip file extension. In both cases, the bundles are available individually in the repository. If you install a composite bundle in a bundle repository, and the composite bundle includes bundles by reference, you must ensure that the referenced bundles are also available in the same repository. If you use the internal bundle repository, and the composite bundle directly contains bundles, the contained bundles are not listed separately and are only available as part of the composite bundle.
For users who are moving from a previous version:
  • In the WebSphere® Application Server Version 7 Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and Java™ Persistence API 2.0, when you add a composite bundle to the internal bundle repository, and that composite bundle directly contains bundles (in compressed files in the root directory of the composite bundle archive file), those bundles are added to the internal bundle repository both as part of the composite bundle and as individually-available bundles. If you later delete the composite bundle from the repository, the individually-available copies of the bundles are not deleted. You might have used this mechanism as a convenient way to upload sets of bundles to the repository.
  • In the current version, when you add to the repository a composite bundle that directly contains bundles, those bundles are not also added individually. If you want to add sets of bundles to the internal bundle repository, you package each set as a compressed archive file with a .zip file extension, then add the archive file to the repository. The system expands the file, and all the bundles in its root directory are added individually to the repository.

To view this panel in the administrative console, click the following path:

Environment > OSGi bundle repositories > Internal bundle repository > New

Path to bundle

Specifies the fully qualified path to the bundle, composite bundle or grouped-up set of bundles that you want to upload. Each individual bundle must be packaged as a .jar file, and must contain a suitably-configured bundle manifest file. Each composite bundle must be packaged as a compressed archive file with a .cba file extension, and must contain a suitably-configured composite bundle manifest file. Each grouped-up set of bundles must be packaged as a compressed archive file with a .zip file extension.

Use Local file system if the browser and files are on the same machine, whether or not the server is also on that machine.

Use Remote file system if the file is on any node in the current cell context, or if the file is already on the machine that runs the application server. For example, the field value might be profile_root/feature_packs/aries/installableApps/my.bundle_1.0.0.jar.