Obtaining a list of performance counters from the command line

Obtain a list of performance counters from the command line.

Before you begin

The application server must be running when you obtain a list of performance counters from the command line.

About this task

You can obtain a list of performance counters from the command line.


  1. Bring up a command line window.
  2. Type the following commands:
    set perf [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=Perf,*]
    set perfON [$AdminControl makeObjectName $perf]
    set params [java::new {java.lang.Object[]} 1]
    $params set 0 [java::new java.util.Locale "en-US"]
    set sigs  [java::new {java.lang.String[]} 1]
    $sigs set 0 java.util.Locale
    set out [java::cast {com.ibm.websphere.pmi.PmiModuleConfig[]} 
      [$AdminControl invoke_jmx $perfON getConfigs $params $sigs]]
    for {set i 0} {$i < [$out length]} {incr i 1} { puts [[$out get $i] toString] }
  3. Results similar to the following example are returned:
    Stats type=systemModule, Description=The system performance data from 
    the operating system.  
    {name=FreeMemory, ID=3, type=CountStatistic, description=A
    snapshot of
    free memory (in KB)., unit=N/A, level=low, statisticSet=all,
    resettable=false, aggregatable=true, zosAggregatable=true}
    {name=CPUUsageSinceServerStarted, ID=2, type=AverageStatistic,
    description=The average CPU utilization since the server was
    unit=N/A, level=medium, statisticSet=extended, resettable=true,
    aggregatable=true, zosAggregatable=true}
    {name=CPUUsageSinceLastMeasurement, ID=1, type=CountStatistic,
    description=The average CPU utilization since the last query.,
    level=low, statisticSet=basic, resettable=false,