EJB environment entries [Settings]

For each simple environment entry that is defined in either an env-entry element in an ejb-jar.xml file or in an @Resource annotation in the composition unit, you can specify the value of the environment entry.

This panel shows one row of information for each simple environment entry. The final column, Value, specifies either the value of the environment entry or the JNDI lookup name at which the environment entry can be accessed.

If a value or JNDI lookup name is defined in an XML configuration file in the bundle, the corresponding value or lookup name is displayed in the Value column for that environment entry, otherwise there is no entry in the column. You can modify an environment entry value by specifying an appropriate entry in the Value column. You cannot modify a JNDI lookup name.

To view this panel in the administrative console, click one of the following paths:
  • Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > [Deployed assets] Add > Add Asset > asset_name > Wizard step: Map EJB environment entries
  • Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > composition_unit_name > [Additional Properties] EJB environment entries
Note: The Map EJB environment entries wizard step and the EJB environment entries property are visible only if the OSGi application contains at least one simple environment entry, defined either in an ejb-jar.xml file, or in an @Resource annotation.

General Properties

Bundle symbolic name
The non-localizable name for this bundle.
Bundle version
The version of this bundle.

The bundle symbolic name, together with the bundle version, uniquely identifies a bundle.

EJB name
The name of the enterprise bean that declares the environment entry.
The name of the EJB environment entry.
The data type of the environment entry.
A description of the environment entry.
The value of the EJB environment entry, or its JNDI lookup name.