Send/receive programming model

Use the send/receive programming model to run an IMS response mode transaction.

To run a transaction in IMS, a Java™ application executes a SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE interaction. In your application, provide the following values for the IMSInteractionSpec object that is used by the execute method of the Interaction object.
  • A value of SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE for the interactionVerb property
  • A value of 0 or 1 for the commitMode property
However, the SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE interaction processing is different for shareable and dedicated persistent socket connections. Depending on the type of socket connections, the processing model is different in either a normal processing of the transaction, or when an error or an execution timeout occurs.

If you convert a send-then-commit (CM1) application that expects a response to a commit-then-send (CM0) application that does not, set the IMSInteractionSpec CM0Response property to true. When this property is set for a CM0 transaction, if the IMS application does not reply to the IOPCB or complete a message switch to another transaction, IMS OTMA issues a DFS2082 message to the client, regardless of the transaction response mode.