Type-1 AO command security

You can use either RACF® or another external security product, the Command Authorization exit routine (DFSCCMD0), or both of the security facilities to secure commands that are issued by type-1 AO application programs using the CMD call.

Make your specifications for security facilities using the AOI1= keyword in the IMS™ and DCC startup procedures.

Use the AOI1= execution parameter in the startup procedure to specify the security facilities that implement security for type-1 AO application programs. Specifications made using AOI1= override the specifications made in the TRANSACT macro.

You can change the AOI1= value each time you initialize IMS because the AOI1= specification is not included in checkpoint records.

Related reading: For detailed information about the AOI1= parameters and their relationship to specifications made using the AOI= keyword in the system definition macros, see IMS Version 13 System Definition.