Normal errors and their AIBREASN codes

Some errors might be normal. It is important to determine the AIBREASN code, destination name, and other characteristics of the message to determine whether or not the error is normal.

For example, the following AIBREASN codes are considered normal:
Message destination is an LU 6.2 synchronous logical unit (LU) name and as such is considered nonrecoverable.
Message destination is nonrecoverable either because the destination transaction code name was defined as NORECOV or the message was received from a LU 6.2 LU in synchronous conversation mode, which implies nonrecoverable.
Message was already canceled by IMS™. Most likely the cause of this is an output message that was canceled when the application program abended or issued a ROLL or ROLB call.
The message being passed by IQCINSRT is an internal IMS message that is not recoverable.
The message is being purged (enqueued to a temporary destination) and the temporary destination name of the message is an inquiry type LTERM.