Provision a Fast Path DEDB database with z/OSMF

You can provision an IMS Fast Path DEDB database by using the IBM z/OS Management Facility workflow that IMS provides via GitHub.

With the provisioning workflow, IMS also provides a workflow to deprovision a DEDB database.

A workflow consists of several XML files and a properties file.

  1. From the IMS-zOSMF-Workflows repository in GitHub, download the compressed folder (.zip file) that contains the workflows you need and extract the contents to a local directory.
  2. Review the readme that is included in the .zip file for details about the workflows.
  3. Transfer the extracted files to a data set or directory on z/OS where they are available to your z/OSMF instance.
  4. From the z/OSMF welcome page, select Workflows from the navigation pane on the left.
  5. Select Create a workflow and specify the location of the workflow file and other initial information, such as your user name.
  6. After the steps of the workflow are displayed in the z/OSMF interface, you can begin completing each step by providing the information that each step requires. Some steps require you to begin by expanding the step and starting with the substeps.