DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Provider support for Microsoft Entity Framework

Take advantage of the Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework with IBM® data servers by using the IBM Data Server Provider for .NET. You can write and execute Entity SQL and LINQ statements and generate entity data model (EDM) schemas to Entities applications with the supported server versions.

System requirements

IBM Data Server Provider for .NET works with the following IBM data server products:
  • DB2® for Linux, UNIX, and Windows server Version 9.1 or later
  • IBM Data Server Client Version 9.5.3 or later
  • IBM Data Server Runtime Client, Version 9.5.3 or later
  • IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI, and .NET, Version 9.5.3, or IBM Data Server Driver Package Version 9.5.4, or later
  • IBM DB2 for IBM i server Version 5 Release 4, Version 6 Release 1, and Version 7 Release 1, through DB2 Connect™ (for IBM DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 4 and later)
  • IBM DB2 for IBM i Version 5 Release 4 and Version 6 Release 1, through DB2 Connect (for IBM DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3 and earlier)
  • DB2 for z/OS® server Version 8 through Version 10
  • Informix® database server, Version 11.170 or later

You must have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or later with the Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework. To manipulate entity data models by using the Microsoft Entity Data Model wizard or ADO.NET Entity Designer, you also require Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or later. Support for .NET Framework 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010 has been introduced starting in DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Version 9.7 Fix Pack 4.

If you are connecting to a DB2 for i V6R1 database using Version 9.7 Fix Pack 5 and later fix packs, the DB2 for i V6R1 database must have PTF SI29764 applied.

Supported canonical functions

The following table lists the canonical functions that the IBM entity provider supports. Canonical functions are translated to the corresponding data source functions by the data provider.

Table 1. IBM entity provider support for canonical functions
Canonical function type LINQ function name DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows server DB2 for z/OS server DB2 for i server Informix database server server
Aggregate Average Y Y Y Y
BigCount Y Y Y Y
Count Y Y Y Y
Maximum Y Y Y Y
Minimum Y Y Y Y
NewGuid1 Y* Y* Y* Y*
StDev Y Y Y Y
StDevP Y Y Y Y
Sum Y Y Y Y
Var Y Y Y Y
VarP Y Y Y Y
Bitwise BitWiseAnd1 Y Y* Y* Y
BitWiseNot1 Y Y* Y* Y
BitWiseOr1 Y Y* Y* Y
BitWiseXor1 Y Y* Y* Y
Math Abs Y Y Y Y
Ceiling Y Y Y Y
Floor Y Y Y Y
Power Y Y Y Y
Round (value,digits) Y Y Y Y
Truncate (value,digits) Y Y Y Y
String Concat Y Y Y Y
Contains1 Y Y Y Y*
EndsWith Y Y Y Y
IndexOf1 Y Y Y Y*
Left Y Y Y Y
Length Y Y Y Y
LTrim Y Y Y Y
Replace Y Y Y Y
Right Y Y Y Y
RTrim Y Y Y Y
StartsWith Y Y Y Y
Substring Y Y Y Y
ToLower Y Y Y Y
ToUpper Y Y Y Y
Trim Y Y Y Y
Datetime AddNanoseconds Y Y Y Y
AddMicroseconds Y Y Y Y
AddMilliseconds Y Y Y Y
AddSeconds Y Y Y Y
AddMinutes Y Y Y Y
AddHours Y Y Y Y
AddDays Y Y Y Y
AddMonths Y Y Y Y
AddYears Y Y Y Y
CreateDateTime Y Y Y Y
CreateDateTimeOffset   Y    
CurrentDateTimeOffset1   Y    
CreateTime Y Y Y Y
CurrentDateTime Y Y Y Y
CurrentUtcDateTime Y Y Y  
Day Y Y Y Y
DayOfYear Y Y Y Y
DiffNanoseconds1 Y Y Y Y*
DiffMicroseconds1 Y Y Y Y*
DiffMilliseconds1 Y Y Y Y*
DiffSeconds1 Y Y Y Y*
DiffMinutes1 Y Y Y Y*
DiffHours1 Y Y Y Y*
DiffDays1 Y Y Y Y*
DiffMonths1 Y Y Y Y*
DiffYears1 Y Y Y Y*
GetTotalOffsetMinutes1   Y    
Hour Y Y Y Y
Millisecond Y Y Y Y
Minute Y Y Y Y
Month Y Y Y Y
Second Y Y Y Y
Truncate (datetime exp) Y Y Y Y
Year Y Y Y Y
Some of the canonical functions depend on the functional support that is provided by the server. If you come across an SQL0440N* error, the error indicates that your server does not support the function that is mentioned in your error message. Contact IBM Technical support to get more information about the error.

1. This canonical function is supported only in Version 9.7 Fix Pack 4 and later.

Supported store specific functions

In Version 9.7 Fix Pack 6 and later, the following table lists store-specific functions that the IBM entity provider supports. The store-specific functions are specific to DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows server, DB2 for z/OS server, DB2 for i server, and Informix database server. The store-specific functions belong to the IBM.Data.DB2.Entity.DB2Functions class. You can improve the application performance by specifying DB2 and Informix functions in the LINQ to Entities queries. Specifying DB2 and Informix functions in the LINQ to Entities queries causes these functions to become part of the SQL query that is executed on the database server.

Table 2. IBM entity provider support for DB2 and Informix functions
LINQ function name DB2 server Informix database server
Acos Yes Yes
Asin Yes Yes
Atan Yes Yes
Atan2 Yes Yes
Cos Yes Yes
Exp Yes Yes
Log Yes Yes
Log10 Yes Yes
Sin Yes Yes
SquareRoot Yes Yes
Tan Yes Yes


The following example demonstrates a call to a store-specific function Asin within a LINQ to Entities query:

using (sampledbEntities ContextObj = new sampledbEntities())
    var query = from Tab1 in ContextObj.EF_TEST1
          where IBM.Data.DB2.Entity.DB2Functions.Asin( Tab1.C1 ) < 1
          select Tab1;

    foreach (var cust in query)
        Console.WriteLine("ID = {0},    NAME = {1}",
            cust.NAME.Trim() );
//SQL sent to the server:
//Extent1.ID AS ID
//Extent1.NAME AS NAME,
//Extent1.C1 AS C1
//WHERE (ASIN(Extent1.C1)) < CAST(1 AS float)

Known limitations

  • All database objects must exist before you use the Entity Framework.
  • Trusted Context connection properties set in the Server Explorer Add Connection dialog do not get passed to the Entity Framework connections. This is an acknowledged limitation with the Server Explorer.

DB2 for z/OS server:
  • Data type REAL is not supported. Applications must either use FLOAT in the schema of the table, or specify the type as FLOAT in the client schema (EDM) even if the actual type on the server is REAL.
  • In Version 7 or Version 8, an exception indicating that a syntax error might be generated for queries that include Take, Top, First, Intersect, or Except expressions. The result of the queries that include those expressions is undefined


1) var query = from o in context.Orders
where o.ShipCity == "Seattle"
select o;
var result = query.First();

2) var mexico =
context.OrderDetails.Where(od => od.Order.ShipCountry == "Mexico").Select(od => od.Product);
   var canada =
context.OrderDetails.Where(od => od.Order.ShipCountry == "Canada").Select(od => od.Product);
var query = mexico.Intersect(canada);

3) var query = 
context.Customers.Select(e => e).Except(context.Orders.Where(o => o.ShipCountry == "Mexico").Select(o => o.Customer));

4) var query = context.Orders.Include("OrderDetails").Top("1");

5) var query = context.Orders.Include("OrderDetails").Include("OrderDetails.Product").Take(3).Select(o => o);

Informix Dynamic Servers
  • Server-side pagination is not supported.

For information about Entity Framework limitations that are associated with updating the database model, see the troubleshooting technote.