DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Example: Returning one row for each occurrence of an item using XMLTABLE

If your XML documents contain multiple occurrences of an element and you want to generate a row for each occurrence of this element, you can use XMLTABLE to achieve this effect.

For example, if the following two XML documents were stored in a table named CUSTOMER:
<customerinfo Cid="1001">
  <name>Kathy Smith</name>
  <addr country="Canada">
    <street>25 EastCreek</street>
    <pcode-zip>N9C 3T6</pcode-zip>
  <phone type="work">905-555-7258</phone>

<customerinfo Cid="1003">
  <name>Robert Shoemaker</name>
    <addr country="Canada">
    <street>1596 Baseline</street>
    <pcode-zip>N8X 7F8</pcode-zip>
  <phone type="work">905-555-7258</phone>
  <phone type="home">416-555-2937</phone>
  <phone type="cell">905-555-8743</phone>
  <phone type="cottage">613-555-3278</phone>
to create a table where every <phone> value is stored in a separate row, use XMLTABLE as follows:
FROM CUSTOMER C, XMLTABLE ('$cust/customerinfo/phone' PASSING C.INFO as "cust"
                           COLUMNS "CUSTNAME" CHAR(30) PATH '../name',
                           "PHONETYPE" CHAR(30) PATH '@type',
                           "PHONENUM" CHAR(15) PATH '.'
                          ) as X
This query yields the following result for the two XML documents:
Table 1. Result table
Kathy Smith work 905-555-7258
Robert Shoemaker work 905-555-7258
Robert Shoemaker home 416-555-2937
Robert Shoemaker cell 905-555-8743
Robert Shoemaker cottage 613-555-3278
Notice how each <phone> element for the XML document with the name "Robert Shoemaker" are returned in a separate row.
For the same documents, you can also extract the <phone> elements as XML, as follows:
FROM CUSTOMER C, XMLTABLE ('$cust/customerinfo/phone' PASSING C.INFO as "cust"
                           COLUMNS "CUSTNAME" CHAR(30) PATH '../name',
                           "PHONETYPE" CHAR(30) PATH '@type',
                           "PHONENUM" XML PATH '.'
                          ) as X
This query yields the following result for the two XML documents (the output has been formatted for clarity):
Table 2. Result table
Kathy Smith work <phone type="work">416-555-1358</phone>
Robert Shoemaker work <phone type="work">905-555-7258</phone>
Robert Shoemaker home <phone type="home">416-555-2937</phone>
Robert Shoemaker cell <phone type="cell">905-555-8743</phone>
Robert Shoemaker cottage <phone type="cottage">613-555-3278</phone>