DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

FP5: Access control, error checking, and table exclusion during data redistribution have been improved

In Version 9.7 Fix Pack 5 and later fix packs, you can specify QUIESCE DATABASE, PRECHECK, and EXCLUDE parameters for the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command.

Two of the new parameters are applicable only when you perform data redistribution that is not roll-forward recoverable: By default, when you specify the NOT ROLLFORWARD RECOVERABLE parameter, both the PRECHECK and QUIESCE DATABASE parameters are set to YES.

Specifying the EXCLUDE parameter is an alternative to specifying the full list of tables for inclusion in the redistribution operation. You can use this parameter to specify a list of tables to omit from the redistribution operation. For example, you can temporarily omit a table until you can configure it to meet the requirements for data redistribution.