DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

CONNECTION procedure - generate a report on connection metrics

The CONNECTION procedure gathers monitor data for each connection and produces a text-formatted report.

The CONNECTION procedure is available starting with DB2® Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram


An optional input argument of type INTEGER that specifies the duration in seconds that monitoring data is collected before it is reported. For example, if you specify a monitoring interval of 30, the routine calls table functions, waits 30 seconds and calls the table functions again. The routine then calculates the difference, which reflects changes during the interval. If the monitoring_interval argument is not specified (or if null is specified), the default value is 10. The range of valid inputs are the integer values 0-3600 (that is, up to 1 hour).
An optional input argument of type BIGINT that specifies an application handle that identifies a connection. If the application_handle argument is not specified (or if null is specified), the report includes a section for each connection. The default is null.


The following privilege is required:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the MONREPORT module
The following examples demonstrate various ways to call the CONNECTION procedure. The first example produces a report for all connections with data displayed corresponding to an interval of 10 seconds:
call monreport.connection;
The next example produces a report for all connections with data displayed corresponding to interval of 30 seconds:
call monreport.connection(30); 
The next example produces a report for a connection with an application handle of 34. Data is displayed based on absolute totals accumulated in the source table functions (rather than based on the current interval).
call monreport.connection(0, 34);
The next example produces a report for a connection with an application handle of 34. Data is displayed corresponding to an interval of 10 seconds.
call monreport.connection(DEFAULT, 34);

Sample MONREPORT.CONNECTION output - summary section

  Monitoring report - connection                                                   
  Database:               WLMDISP1                                                 
  Generated:              07/09/2010 12:50:58                                      
  Interval monitored:     10                                                       
  -- Command options --                                                            
  APPLICATION_HANDLE:     All                                                      
  Part 1 - Summary of connections                                                  
  #    _HANDLE      CPU_TIME      ACT_TIME  _TOTAL         _TIME       _WAIT_TIME  
  ---  -----------  ------------  --------  -------------  ----------  ----------- 
  1    656020       0             0         0              0           0           
  2    1310972      447           52006     0              30000       0           
  3    1310992      702356        89716     0              77893       0           
  4    1311033      0             0         0              0           0           
  5    1311047      2006289       692031    0              0           0           
  6    1311113      52            30000     0              30000       0           
  7    1311151      719234        11118     0              0           0           
  8    1311154      0             0         0              0           0           
  9    1311172      0             0         0              0           0           
  10   1311173      6838157       798434    0              30131       0           
  11   1311194      1519805       69075     0              61599       0           
  12   1311195      51475         680696    0              218147      0           


  6487 record(s) selected.

  Return Status = 0

Sample MONREPORT.CONNECTION output - details section

  Part 2 - Details for each connection                                             


    connection #:12                                                                  
  --Connection identifiers--                                                       
  Application identifiers                                                          
    APPLICATION_HANDLE                = 1311195                                    
    APPLICATION_NAME                  = db2jcc_application                         
    APPLICATION_ID                    = *N10.svtpdb3.1007091632196                 
  Authorization IDs                                                                
    SYSTEM_AUTHID                     = SVTPDB3                                    
    SESSION_AUTHID                    = SVTPDB3                                    
  Client attributes                                                                
    CLIENT_ACCTNG                     =                                            
    CLIENT_USERID                     =                                            
    CLIENT_APPLNAME                   =                                            
    CLIENT_WRKSTNNAME                 = rundown.torolab.ibm.com                    
    CLIENT_PID                        = 0                                          
    CLIENT_PRDID                      = JCC03580                                   
    CLIENT_PLATFORM                   = AIX64                                      
    CLIENT_PROTOCOL                   = LOCAL                                      
  -- Other connection details --                                                   
  CONNECTION_START_TIME               = 2010-07-09-                 
  NUM_LOCKS_HELD                      = 346                                        
  Work volume and throughput                                                       
                                    Per second             Total                   
                                    ---------------------  ----------------------- 
  TOTAL_APP_COMMITS                 0                      0                       
  ACT_COMPLETED_TOTAL               0                      0                       
  APP_RQSTS_COMPLETED_TOTAL         0                      0                       
  TOTAL_CPU_TIME                    = 51475                                        
  TOTAL_CPU_TIME per request        = 0                                            
  Row processing                                                                   
    ROWS_READ/ROWS_RETURNED         = 0 (476/0)                                    
    ROWS_MODIFIED                   = 0                                            
  Wait times                                                                       
  -- Wait time as a percentage of elapsed time --                                  
                                           %    Wait time/Total time               
                                           ---  ---------------------------------- 
  For requests                             32   218147/680697                      
  For activities                           32   218147/680696                      
  -- Time waiting for next client request --                                       
  CLIENT_IDLE_WAIT_TIME               = 0                                          
  CLIENT_IDLE_WAIT_TIME per second    = 0                                          
  -- Detailed breakdown of TOTAL_WAIT_TIME --                                      
                                %    Total                                         
                                ---  --------------------------------------------- 
  TOTAL_WAIT_TIME               100  218147                                        
  I/O wait time                                                                    
    POOL_READ_TIME              0    39                                            
    POOL_WRITE_TIME             0    0                                             
    DIRECT_READ_TIME            0    0                                             
    DIRECT_WRITE_TIME           0    0                                             
    LOG_DISK_WAIT_TIME          0    0                                             
  LOCK_WAIT_TIME                0    0                                             
  AGENT_WAIT_TIME               0    0                                             
  Network and FCM                                                                  
    TCPIP_SEND_WAIT_TIME        0    0                                             
    TCPIP_RECV_WAIT_TIME        0    0                                             
    IPC_SEND_WAIT_TIME          0    0                                             
    IPC_RECV_WAIT_TIME          0    0                                             
    FCM_SEND_WAIT_TIME          71   156689                                        
    FCM_RECV_WAIT_TIME          28   61419                                         
  WLM_QUEUE_TIME_TOTAL          0    0                                             
  Component times                                                                  
  -- Detailed breakdown of processing time --                                      
                                      %                 Total                      
                                      ----------------  -------------------------- 
  Total processing                    100               462550                     
  Section execution                                                                
    TOTAL_SECTION_PROC_TIME           100               462550                     
      TOTAL_SECTION_SORT_PROC_TIME    0                 5                          
    TOTAL_COMPILE_PROC_TIME           0                 0                          
    TOTAL_IMPLICIT_COMPILE_PROC_TIME  0                 0                          
  Transaction end processing                                                       
    TOTAL_COMMIT_PROC_TIME            0                 0                          
    TOTAL_ROLLBACK_PROC_TIME          0                 0                          
    TOTAL_RUNSTATS_PROC_TIME          0                 0                          
    TOTAL_REORGS_PROC_TIME            0                 0                          
    TOTAL_LOAD_PROC_TIME              0                 0                          
  Buffer pool                                                                      
  Buffer pool hit ratios                                                           
  Type             Ratio            Reads (Logical/Physical)                       
  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
  Data             63               58/21                                          
  Index            0                0/0                                            
  XDA              0                0/0                                            
  Temp data        0                0/0                                            
  Temp index       0                0/0                                            
  Temp XDA         0                0/0                                            
  Buffer pool writes                                                               
    POOL_DATA_WRITES      = 0                                                      
    POOL_XDA_WRITES       = 0                                                      
    POOL_INDEX_WRITES     = 0                                                      
  Direct I/O                                                                       
    DIRECT_READS          = 0                                                      
    DIRECT_READ_REQS      = 0                                                      
    DIRECT_WRITES         = 0                                                      
    DIRECT_WRITE_REQS     = 0                                                      
  Log I/O                                                                          
    LOG_DISK_WAITS_TOTAL  = 0                                                      
                          Per activity                    Total                    
                          ------------------------------  ----------------------   
  LOCK_WAIT_TIME          0                               0                        
  LOCK_WAITS              0                               0                        
  LOCK_TIMEOUTS           0                               0                        
  DEADLOCKS               0                               0                        
  LOCK_ESCALS             0                               0                        
                                Per activity              Total                    
                                ------------------------  ------------------------ 
  TOTAL_ROUTINE_INVOCATIONS     0                         0                        
  TOTAL_ROUTINE_TIME            0                         0                        
  TOTAL_ROUTINE_TIME per invocation   = 0                                          
  TOTAL_SORTS                         = 0                                          
  SORT_OVERFLOWS                      = 0                                          
  POST_THRESHOLD_SORTS                = 0                                          
  POST_SHRTHRESHOLD_SORTS             = 0                                          
  Communications with remote clients                                               
  TCPIP_SEND_VOLUME per send          = 0          (0/0)                           
  TCPIP_RECV_VOLUME per receive       = 0          (0/0)                           
  Communications with local clients                                                
  IPC_SEND_VOLUME per send            = 0          (0/0)                           
  IPC_RECV_VOLUME per receive         = 0          (0/0)                           
  Fast communications manager                                                      
  FCM_SEND_VOLUME per send            = 2898       (124633/43)                     
  FCM_RECV_VOLUME per receive         = 4079       (40798/10)                      
    TOTAL_COMPILATIONS                = 0                                          
    PKG_CACHE_INSERTS                 = 0                                          
    PKG_CACHE_LOOKUPS                 = 0                                          
  Catalog cache                                                                    
    CAT_CACHE_INSERTS                 = 0                                          
    CAT_CACHE_LOOKUPS                 = 0                                          
  Transaction processing                                                           
    TOTAL_APP_COMMITS                 = 0                                          
    INT_COMMITS                       = 0                                          
    TOTAL_APP_ROLLBACKS               = 0                                          
    INT_ROLLBACKS                     = 0                                          
  Log buffer                                                                       
    NUM_LOG_BUFFER_FULL               = 0                                          
  Activities aborted/rejected                                                      
    ACT_ABORTED_TOTAL                 = 0                                          
    ACT_REJECTED_TOTAL                = 0                                          
  Workload management controls                                                     
    WLM_QUEUE_ASSIGNMENTS_TOTAL       = 0                                          
    WLM_QUEUE_TIME_TOTAL              = 0                                          
  DB2 utility operations                                                           
    TOTAL_RUNSTATS                    = 0                                          
    TOTAL_REORGS                      = 0                                          
    TOTAL_LOADS                       = 0