DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

DBSUMMARY procedure - generate a summary report of system and application performance metrics

The DBSUMMARY procedure generates a text-formatted monitoring report that summarizes system and application performance metrics.

The DBSUMMARY procedure is available starting with DB2® Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1.

The DB Summary report contains in-depth monitor data for the entire database as well as key performance indicators for each connection, workload, service class, and database member.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram


An optional input argument of type INTEGER that specifies the duration in seconds that monitoring data is collected before it is reported. For example, if you specify a monitoring interval of 30, the routine calls the table functions, waits 30 seconds and then calls the table functions again. The DBSUMMARY procedure then calculates the difference, which reflects changes during the interval. If the monitoring_interval argument is not specified (or if null is specified), the default value is 10. The range of valid inputs are the integer values 0-3600 (that is, up to 1 hour).


The following privilege is required:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the MONREPORT module
The following examples demonstrate various ways to call the DBSUMMARY procedure. The first example produces a report that displays data corresponding to an interval of 10 seconds:
call monreport.dbsummary; 
The next example produces a report that displays data corresponding to an interval of 30 seconds.
call monreport.dbsummary(30);

Sample MONREPORT.DBSUMMARY output - summary section

  Monitoring report - database summary                                             
  Database:                                 WLMDISP1                               
  Generated:                                07/09/2010 12:50:38                    
  Interval monitored:                       10                                     
  Part 1 - System performance                                                      
  Work volume and throughput                                                       
                                    Per second             Total                   
                                    ---------------------  ----------------------- 
  TOTAL_APP_COMMITS                 0                      9                       
  ACT_COMPLETED_TOTAL               3                      32                      
  APP_RQSTS_COMPLETED_TOTAL         4                      49                      
  TOTAL_CPU_TIME                    = 11569133                                     
  TOTAL_CPU_TIME per request        = 236104                                       
  Row processing                                                                   
    ROWS_READ/ROWS_RETURNED         = 66318 (397908/6)                             
    ROWS_MODIFIED                   = 70076                                        
  Wait times                                                                       
  -- Wait time as a percentage of elapsed time --                                  
                                           %    Wait time/Total time               
                                           ---  ---------------------------------- 
  For requests                             96   121396671/125265175                
  For activities                           96   121387234/125211126                
  -- Time waiting for next client request --                                       
  CLIENT_IDLE_WAIT_TIME               = 713                                        
  CLIENT_IDLE_WAIT_TIME per second    = 71                                         
  -- Detailed breakdown of TOTAL_WAIT_TIME --                                      
                                %    Total                                         
                                ---  --------------------------------------------- 
  TOTAL_WAIT_TIME               100  121396671                                     
  I/O wait time                                                                    
    POOL_READ_TIME              0    3428                                          
    POOL_WRITE_TIME             0    0                                             
    DIRECT_READ_TIME            0    624                                           
    DIRECT_WRITE_TIME           0    112                                           
    LOG_DISK_WAIT_TIME          0    763                                           
  LOCK_WAIT_TIME                0    0                                             
  AGENT_WAIT_TIME               0    0                                             
  Network and FCM                                                                  
    TCPIP_SEND_WAIT_TIME        0    0                                             
    TCPIP_RECV_WAIT_TIME        0    0                                             
    IPC_SEND_WAIT_TIME          0    2                                             
    IPC_RECV_WAIT_TIME          0    0                                             
    FCM_SEND_WAIT_TIME          0    372361                                        
    FCM_RECV_WAIT_TIME          99   121019382                                     
  WLM_QUEUE_TIME_TOTAL          0    0                                             
  Component times                                                                  
  -- Detailed breakdown of processing time --                                      
                                      %                 Total                      
                                      ----------------  -------------------------- 
  Total processing                    100               3868504                    
  Section execution                                                                
    TOTAL_SECTION_PROC_TIME           98                3813875                    
      TOTAL_SECTION_SORT_PROC_TIME    0                 180                        
    TOTAL_COMPILE_PROC_TIME           0                 33621                      
    TOTAL_IMPLICIT_COMPILE_PROC_TIME  0                 0                          
  Transaction end processing                                                       
    TOTAL_COMMIT_PROC_TIME            0                 20                         
    TOTAL_ROLLBACK_PROC_TIME          0                 13                         
    TOTAL_RUNSTATS_PROC_TIME          0                 51                         
    TOTAL_REORGS_PROC_TIME            0                 0                          
    TOTAL_LOAD_PROC_TIME              0                 0                          
  Buffer pool                                                                      
  Buffer pool hit ratios                                                           
  Type             Ratio            Reads (Logical/Physical)                       
  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
  Data             99               34870/144                                      
  Index            99               14104/19                                       
  XDA              0                0/0                                            
  Temp data        99               4031/5                                         
  Temp index       100              501/0                                          
  Temp XDA         0                0/0                                            
  Buffer pool writes                                                               
    POOL_DATA_WRITES      = 0                                                      
    POOL_XDA_WRITES       = 0                                                      
    POOL_INDEX_WRITES     = 0                                                      
  Direct I/O                                                                       
    DIRECT_READS          = 2114                                                   
    DIRECT_READ_REQS      = 82                                                     
    DIRECT_WRITES         = 754                                                    
    DIRECT_WRITE_REQS     = 23                                                     
  Log I/O                                                                          
    LOG_DISK_WAITS_TOTAL  = 82                                                     
                          Per activity                    Total                    
                          ------------------------------  ----------------------   
  LOCK_WAIT_TIME          0                               0                        
  LOCK_WAITS              0                               0                        
  LOCK_TIMEOUTS           0                               0                        
  DEADLOCKS               0                               0                        
  LOCK_ESCALS             0                               0                        
                                Per activity              Total                    
                                ------------------------  ------------------------ 
  TOTAL_ROUTINE_INVOCATIONS     0                         1                        
  TOTAL_ROUTINE_TIME            318                       10178                    
  TOTAL_ROUTINE_TIME per invocation   = 10178                                      
  TOTAL_SORTS                         = 73                                         
  SORT_OVERFLOWS                      = 0                                          
  POST_THRESHOLD_SORTS                = 0                                          
  POST_SHRTHRESHOLD_SORTS             = 0                                          
  Communications with remote clients                                               
  TCPIP_SEND_VOLUME per send          = 0          (0/0)                           
  TCPIP_RECV_VOLUME per receive       = 0          (0/0)                           
  Communications with local clients                                                
  IPC_SEND_VOLUME per send            = 342        (16440/48)                      
  IPC_RECV_VOLUME per receive         = 674        (33050/49)                      
  Fast communications manager                                                      
  FCM_SEND_VOLUME per send            = 1386       (8711447/6283)                  
  FCM_RECV_VOLUME per receive         = 1325       (5707159/4307)                  
    TOTAL_COMPILATIONS                = 17                                         
    PKG_CACHE_INSERTS                 = 76                                         
    PKG_CACHE_LOOKUPS                 = 437                                        
  Catalog cache                                                                    
    CAT_CACHE_INSERTS                 = 64                                         
    CAT_CACHE_LOOKUPS                 = 404                                        
  Transaction processing                                                           
    TOTAL_APP_COMMITS                 = 9                                          
    INT_COMMITS                       = 3                                          
    TOTAL_APP_ROLLBACKS               = 6                                          
    INT_ROLLBACKS                     = 0                                          
  Log buffer                                                                       
    NUM_LOG_BUFFER_FULL               = 0                                          
  Activities aborted/rejected                                                      
    ACT_ABORTED_TOTAL                 = 1                                          
    ACT_REJECTED_TOTAL                = 0                                          
  Workload management controls                                                     
    WLM_QUEUE_ASSIGNMENTS_TOTAL       = 0                                          
    WLM_QUEUE_TIME_TOTAL              = 0                                          
  DB2 utility operations                                                           
    TOTAL_RUNSTATS                    = 2                                          
    TOTAL_REORGS                      = 0                                          
    TOTAL_LOADS                       = 0                                          


  259 record(s) selected.

  Return Status = 0

Sample MONREPORT.DBSUMMARY output - application performance details section

  Part 2 - Application performance drill down                                      
  Application performance database-wide                                            
  TOTAL_CPU_TIME          TOTAL_       TOTAL_APP_     ROWS_READ +                  
  per request             WAIT_TIME %  COMMITS        ROWS_MODIFIED                
  ----------------------  -----------  -------------  ---------------------------- 
  236104                  96           9              467984                       
  Application performance by connection                                            
  HANDLE         per request           WAIT_TIME %    COMMITS        ROWS_MODIFIED 
  -------------  -------------------   -----------    -------------  ------------- 
  656020         0                     0              0              0             
  1310972        0                     0              0              0             
  1310992        0                     67             0              59488         
  1311033        0                     98             0              712152        
  1311047        0                     4              0              0             
  1311113        0                     1              0              58199         
  1311151        0                     0              0              218           
  1311154        0                     0              0              0             
  1311172        0                     0              0              0             
  1311173        0                     0              0              0             
  1311194        0                     98             0              3129          
  1311195        0                     0              0              0             
  1311216        0                     4              0              0             
  1311223        0                     100            0              0             
  1311224        0                     0              0              0             
  1311230        0                     1              0              1308          
  1311232        0                     100            0              0             
  1311234        0                     0              0              0             
  1311245        0                     0              0              0             
  1311247        1799                  44             0              0             
  1311250        0                     0              0              0             
  1311252        27565                 78             1              35            
  1311256        0                     100            0              0             
  1311257        0                     0              0              0             
  1311258        0                     1              0              500           
  1311262        0                     0              0              0             
  1311266        0                     0              0              0             
  1311276        0                     0              0              0             
  1311278        0                     0              0              0             
  1311279        0                     0              0              136755        
  1311281        0                     0              0              0             
  Application performance by service class                                         
  SERVICE_       TOTAL_CPU_TIME        TOTAL_         TOTAL_APP_     ROWS_READ +   
  CLASS_ID       per request           WAIT_TIME %    COMMITS        ROWS_MODIFIED 
  --------       -------------------   -----------    -------------  ------------- 
  11             0                     0              0              0             
  12             0                     0              0              0             
  13             267301                97             8              469839        
  Application performance by workload                                              
  WORKLOAD_      TOTAL_CPU_TIME          TOTAL_       TOTAL_APP_     ROWS_READ +   
  NAME           per request             WAIT_TIME %  COMMITS        ROWS_MODIFIED 
  -------------  ----------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------- 
  SYSDEFAULTADM  0                       0            0              0             
  SYSDEFAULTUSE  341591                  94           8              972780        

Sample MONREPORT.DBSUMMARY output - member-level information section

  Part 3 - Member level information                                                
  - I/O wait time is                                                               
          TOTAL_CPU_TIME          TOTAL_       RQSTS_COMPLETED_  I/O               
  MEMBER  per request             WAIT_TIME %  TOTAL             wait time         
  ------  ----------------------  -----------  ----------------  ----------------- 
  10      10448                   97           318               2101              
  20      30267                   96           218               715               
  30      9661                    97           155               148               
  40      6353                    97           168               259