DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

CURRENTAPPS procedure - generate a report of point-in-time application processing metrics

The CURRENTAPPS procedure gathers information about the current instantaneous state of processing of units or work, agents, and activities for each connection.

The CURRENTAPPS procedure is available starting with DB2® Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1.


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The following privilege is required:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the MONREPORT module
The following examples demonstrate ways to call the CURRENTAPPS procedure:
call monreport.currentapps;
call monreport.currentapps(); 

Sample MONREPORT.CURRENTAPPS output - summary section

  Monitoring report - current applications                                         
  Database:               WLMDISP1                                                 
  Generated:              07/09/2010 12:52:51                                      
  Part 1 - Summary of application processing                                       
  Number of connections             = 33                                           
  Number of coordinator activities  = 33                                           
  --Units of work by WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_STATE--                                   
  WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_STATE                Number of units of work                 
  ------------------------------------     --------------------------------------- 
  UOWEXEC                                  16                                      
  UOWWAIT                                  17                                      
  --Active coordinator agents by REQUEST_TYPE--                                    
  REQUEST_TYPE                             Number of agents                        
  ------------------------------------     --------------------------------------- 
  EXECUTE                                  22                                      
  OPEN                                     7                                       
  --All agents by EVENT_OBJECT:EVENT_TYPE--                                        
  EVENT_OBJECT:EVENT_TYPE                  Number of agents                        
  ------------------------------------     --------------------------------------- 
  LOCK:ACQUIRE                             38                                      
  REMOTE_REQUEST:WAIT                      13                                      
  REQUEST:PROCESS                          267                                     
  REQUEST:WAIT                             421                                     
  ROUTINE:PROCESS                          5                                       
  --Coordinator activities by ACTIVITY_STATE--                                     
  ACTIVITY_STATE                           Number of activities                    
  ------------------------------------     --------------------------------------- 
  EXECUTING                                30                                      
  IDLE                                     3                                       
  --Coordinator activities by ACTIVITY_TYPE--                                      
  ACTIVITY_TYPE                            Number of activities                    
  ------------------------------------     --------------------------------------- 
  CALL                                     1                                       
  READ_DML                                 11                                      
  WRITE_DML                                21                                      


  1480 record(s) selected.

  Return Status = 0

Sample MONREPORT.CURRENTAPPS output - details section

  Part 2 - Details by connection                                                   
  APPLICATION_HANDLE       = 656020                                                
  APPLICATION_ID           = *N10.svtpdb3.100709165024                             
  APPLICATION_NAME         = db2bp                                                 
  Unit of work WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_STATE = UOWEXEC                                 
  --Agents for this connection--                                                   
  ------  --------------------------  -----------------  ------------------------- 
  10      COORDINATOR:                EXECUTE            ROUTINE:PROCESS           
  --Activities for this connection--                                               
  -------------------  ----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
  10                   7           1               CALL            EXECUTING       
  10                   7           62              READ_DML        EXECUTING       