DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

WHAT procedure - Change the SQL statement run by a job

The WHAT procedure changes the SQL statement run by a specified job.


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An input argument of type DECIMAL(20) that specifies the job identifier for which the dynamically executable SQL statement is to be changed.
Note: The expected value for job identifier is not the value of TASKID in the SYSTOOLS.ADMIN_TASK_LIST view. For example, you have the following job list:
NAME                    TASKID                                          
---------------         ------                                          
DBMS_JOB_TASK_2              3                                                
DBMS_JOB_TASK_3              4
If you want to modify DBMS_JOB_TASK_2, you must pass 2 as the job identifier.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(1024) that specifies the dynamically executed SQL statement.


EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_JOB module.


Example 1: Change the job to run the list_emp procedure:
    CALL DBMS_JOB.WHAT(104,'list_emp;');