DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

ARRAY_AGG aggregate function

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                             |           .-,------------------. |   
                             |           V           .-ASC--. | |   
                             '-ORDER BY----sort-key--+------+-+-'   


The schema is SYSIBM.

The ARRAY_AGG function aggregates a set of elements into an array. The data type of the expression must be a data type that can be specified in a CREATE TYPE (array) statement (SQLSTATE 429C2).

If sort-key is specified, it determines the order of the aggregated elements in the array. If sort-key is not specified, the ordering of elements within the array is not deterministic. If sort-key is not specified, and ARRAY_AGG is specified more than once in the same SELECT clause, the same ordering of elements within the array is used for each result of ARRAY_AGG.

If a SELECT clause includes an ARRAY_AGG function, then all invocations of ARRAY_AGG, LISTAGG, XMLAGG, and XMLGROUP functions in the same SELECT clause must specify the same order or not specify an order (SQLSTATE 428GZ).

The ARRAY_AGG function can only be specified within an SQL procedure in the following specific contexts (SQLSTATE 42887):
  • The select-list of a SELECT INTO statement
  • The select-list of a fullselect in the definition of a cursor that is not scrollable
  • The select-list of a scalar subquery on the right side of a SET statement

ARRAY_AGG cannot be used as part of an OLAP function (SQLSTATE 42887). The SELECT statement that uses ARRAY_AGG cannot contain an ORDER BY clause or a DISTINCT clause, and the SELECT clause or HAVING clause cannot contain a subquery or call an SQL function (SQLSTATE 42887).

ARRAY_AGG cannot be used to produce an associative array or an array with a row element data type (SQLSTATE 42846).
