DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

XMLXSROBJECTID scalar function

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The schema is SYSIBM.

The XMLXSROBJECTID function returns the XSR object identifier of the XML schema used to validate the XML document specified in the argument. The XSR object identifier is returned as a BIGINT value and provides the key to a single row in SYSCAT.XSROBJECTS.

Specifies an expression that results in a value with a data type of XML. The resulting XML value must be an XML sequence with a single item that is an XML document or the null value (SQLSTATE 42815). If the argument is null, the function returns null. If xml-value-expression does not specify a validated XML document, the function returns 0.
  1. The XML schema corresponding to an XSR object ID returned by the function might no longer exist, because an XML schema can be dropped without affecting XML values that were validated using the XML schema. Therefore, queries that use the XSR object ID to fetch further XML schema information from the catalog views might return an empty result set.
  2. Applications can use the XSR object identifier to retrieve additional information about the XML schema. For example, the XSR object identifier can be used to return the individual XML schema documents that make up a registered XML schema from SYSCAT.SYSXSROBJECTCOMPONENTS, and the hierarchy of XML schema documents in the XML schema from SYSCAT.XSROBJECTHIERARCHIES.
