DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Query Patroller migration tool

Your DB2® database manager installation includes a Perl script as a sample to facilitate the migration from the deprecated DB2 Query Patroller to DB2 workload manager.

The sample migration script provides an automated means to migrate your Query Patroller setup to the workload manager environment. The Query Patroller migration tool was written in Perl; you can use this script as is or you can modify it to suit your needs.

The Query Patroller migration tool consists of one script, which can be found in the samples/perl path of your installation directory:
  • qpwlmmig.pl - generates two DDL script files:
    • outputfile contains the DDL statements to create the WLM objects that most closely reflect the current Query Patroller setup
    • outputfile.DROP contains the DDL statements to drop the WLM objects created by the first script

Refer to the README_QPWLMMIG file found in the same file directory for more information on how to set up and run the script.