DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Workload manager administrator authority (WLMADM)

You need workload manager administrator (WLMADM) authority to manage workload objects for a specific database. This authority enables you to create, alter, drop, comment on, grant access to, and revoke access from DB2® workload manager objects.

The security administrator, who is someone holding SECADM authority, or a user with ACCESSCTRL authority can grant WLMADM authority to a user, group, or role.

WLMADM authority provides the ability to perform the following tasks:
  • Issue CREATE, ALTER, COMMENT ON, and DROP statements for the following DB2 workload manager objects:
    • Histogram templates
    • Service classes
    • Thresholds
    • Work action sets
    • Work class sets
    • Workloads
  • Issue GRANT and REVOKE statements for workload privileges
This authority is a subset of the database administrator (DBADM) authority.

Ownership of DB2 workload manager objects

Most database objects have owners, and these owners have the authority to alter the objects that they own. Unlike most objects, DB2 workload manager objects do not have owners, to avoid unpredictable effects on your execution environment because of changes to DB2 workload manager objects by those owners. If a resource allocation setting is changed for a service class, for example, this change affects not only the service class itself but also the resources available to other service classes and hence must remain under control of DB2 workload manager.

The following example illustrates the problem that would be caused by having owners for DB2 workload manager objects. Assume that a service superclass has two user-defined service subclasses, A and B, and that each service subclass has a different owner. Initially, the prefetch priority setting is medium for the default service subclass and for the two service subclasses. If the owner of service subclass A changes its prefetch priority to high and many prefetch requests come from this service subclass, connections to service subclass B and the default subclass have less access to prefetcher services, and the performance of activities running in these service subclasses might suffer.