DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Configuring for good performance

Some types of DB2® deployment, such as the InfoSphere® Balanced Warehouse® (BW), or those within SAP systems, have configurations that are highly specified.

In the BW case, hardware factors, such as the number of CPUs, the ratio of memory to CPU, the number and configuration of disks, and versions are pre-specified, based on thorough testing to determine the optimal configuration. In the SAP case, hardware configuration is not as precisely specified; however, there are a great many sample configurations available. In addition, SAP best practice provides recommended DB2 configuration settings. If you are using a DB2 deployment for a system that provides well-tested configuration guidelines, you should generally take advantage of the guidelines in place of more general rules-of-thumb.

Consider a proposed system for which you do not already have a detailed hardware configuration. Your goal is to identify a few key configuration decisions that get the system well on its way to good performance. This step typically occurs before the system is up and running, so you might have limited knowledge of how it will actually behave. In a way, you have to make a "best guess," based on your knowledge of what the system will be doing.

Hardware configuration

CPU capacity is one of the main independent variables in configuring a system for performance. Because all other hardware configuration typically flows from it, it is not easy to predict how much CPU capacity is required for a given workload. In business intelligence (BI) environments, 200-300 GB of active raw data per processor core is a reasonable estimate. For other environments, a sound approach is to gauge the amount of CPU required, based on one or more existing DB2 systems. For example, if the new system needs to handle 50% more users, each running SQL that is at least as complex as that on an existing system, it would be reasonable to assume that 50% more CPU capacity is required. Likewise, other factors that predict a change in CPU usage, such as different throughput requirements or changes in the use of triggers or referential integrity, should be taken into account as well.

After you have the best idea of CPU requirements (derived from available information), other aspects of hardware configuration start to fall into place. Although you must consider the required system disk capacity in gigabytes or terabytes, the most important factors regarding performance are the capacity in I/Os per second (IOPS), or in megabytes per second of data transfer. In practical terms, this is determined by the number of individual disks involved.

Why is that the case? The evolution of CPUs over the past decade has seen incredible increases in speed, whereas the evolution of disks has been more in terms of their capacity and cost. There have been improvements in disk seek time and transfer rate, but they haven't kept pace with CPU speeds. So to achieve the aggregate performance needed with modern systems, using multiple disks is more important than ever, especially for systems that will drive a significant amount of random disk I/O. Often, the temptation is to use close to the minimum number of disks that can contain the total amount of data in the system, but this generally leads to very poor performance.

In the case of RAID storage, or for individually addressable drives, a rule-of-thumb is to configure at least ten to twenty disks per processor core. For storage servers, a similar number is recommended; however, in this case, a bit of extra caution is warranted. Allocation of space on storage servers is often done more with an eye to capacity rather than throughput. It is a very good idea to understand the physical layout of database storage, to ensure that the inadvertent overlap of logically separate storage does not occur. For example, a reasonable allocation for a 4-way system might be eight arrays of eight drives each. However, if all eight arrays share the same eight underlying physical drives, the throughput of the configuration would be drastically reduced, compared to eight arrays spread over 64 physical drives.

It is good practice to set aside some dedicated (unshared) disk for the DB2 transaction logs. This is because the I/O characteristics of the logs are very different from DB2 containers, for example, and the competition between log I/O and other types of I/O can result in a logging bottleneck, especially in systems with a high degree of write activity.

In general, a RAID-1 pair of disks can provide enough logging throughput for up to 400 reasonably write-intensive DB2 transactions per second. Greater throughput rates, or high-volume logging (for example, during bulk inserts), requires greater log throughput, which can be provided by additional disks in a RAID-10 configuration, connected to the system through a write-caching disk controller.

Because CPUs and disks effectively operate on different time scales - nanoseconds versus microseconds - you need to decouple them to enable reasonable processing performance. This is where memory comes into play. In a database system, the main purpose of memory is to avoid I/O, and so up to a point, the more memory a system has, the better it can perform. Fortunately, memory costs have dropped significantly over the last several years, and systems with tens to hundreds of gigabytes (GB) of RAM are not uncommon. In general, four to eight gigabytes per processor core should be adequate for most applications.

AIX configuration

There are relatively few AIX® parameters that need to be changed to achieve good performance. For the purpose of these recommendations, assume an AIX level of 5.3 or later. Again, if there are specific settings already in place for your system (for example, a BW or SAP configuration), those should take precedence over the following general guidelines.
  • The VMO parameter LRU_FILE_REPAGE should be set to 0. This parameter controls whether AIX victimizes computational pages or file system cache pages. In addition, minperm should be set to 3. These are both default values in AIX 6.1.
  • The AIO parameter maxservers can be initially left at the default value of ten per CPU. After the system is active, maxservers is tuned as follows:
    1. Collect the output of the ps -elfk | grep aio command and determine if all asynchronous I/O (AIO) kernel processes (aioservers) are consuming the same amount of CPU time.
    2. If they are, maxservers might be set too low. Increase maxservers by 10%, and repeat step 1.
    3. If some aioservers are using less CPU time than others, the system has at least as many of them as it needs. If more than 10% of aioservers are using less CPU, reduce maxservers by 10% and repeat step 1.
  • The AIO parameter maxreqs should be set to MAX( NUM_IOCLEANERS x 256, 4096 ). This parameter controls the maximum number of outstanding AIO requests.
  • The hdisk parameter queue_depth should be based on the number of physical disks in the array. For example, for IBM® disks, the default value for queue_depth is 3, and the recommended value would be 3 x number-of-devices. This parameter controls the number of queuable disk requests.
  • The disk adapter parameter num_cmd_elems should be set to the sum of queue_depth for all devices connected to the adapter. This parameter controls the number of requests that can be queued to the adapter.

Solaris and HP-UX configuration

For DB2 running on Solaris or HP-UX, the db2osconf utility is available to check and recommend kernel parameters based on the system size. The db2osconf utility allows you to specify the kernel parameters based on memory and CPU, or with a general scaling factor that compares the current system configuration to an expected future configuration. A good approach is to use a scaling factor of 2 or higher if running large systems, such as SAP applications. In general, db2osconf gives you a good initial starting point to configure Solaris and HP-UX, but it does not deliver the optimal value, because it cannot consider current and future workloads.

Linux configuration

The DB2 database manager automatically updates key Linux kernel parameters to satisfy the requirements of a wide variety of configurations.

For more information see Kernel parameter requirements (Linux )

DB2 Database Partitioning Feature

The decision to use the DB2 partitioned database environment is not generally made based purely on data volume, but more on the basis of the workload. As a general guideline, most partitioned database environment deployments are in the area of data warehousing and business intelligence. The partitioned database environment is highly recommended for large complex query environments, because its shared-nothing architecture allows for outstanding scalability. For smaller data marts (up to about 300 GB), which are unlikely to grow rapidly, a DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (ESE) configuration is often a good choice. However, large or fast-growing BI environments benefit greatly from the partitioned database environment.

A typical partitioned database system usually has one processor core per data partition. For example, a system with n processor cores would likely have the catalog on partition 0, and have n additional data partitions. If the catalog partition will be heavily used (for example, to hold single partition dimension tables), it might be allocated a processor core as well. If the system will support very many concurrent active users, two cores per partition might be required.

In terms of a general guide, you should plan on about 250 GB of active raw data per partition.

The InfoSphere Balanced Warehouse documentation contains in-depth information regarding partitioned database configuration best practices. This documentation contains useful information for non-Balanced Warehouse deployments as well.

Choice of code page and collation

As well as affecting database behavior, choice of code page or code set and collating sequence can have a strong impact on performance. The use of Unicode has become very widespread because it allows you to represent a greater variety of character strings in your database than has been the case with traditional single-byte code pages. Unicode is the default for new databases in DB2 Version 9.5. However, because Unicode code sets use multiple bytes to represent some individual characters, there can be increased disk and memory requirements. For example, the UTF-8 code set, which is one of the most common Unicode code sets, uses from one to four bytes per character. An average string expansion factor due to migration from a single-byte code set to UTF-8 is very difficult to estimate because it depends on how frequently multibyte characters are used. For typical North American content, there is usually no expansion. For most western European languages, the use of accented characters typically introduces an expansion of around 10%.

On top of this, the use of Unicode can cause extra CPU consumption relative to single-byte code pages. First, if expansion occurs, the longer strings require more work to manipulate. Second, and more significantly, the algorithms used by the more sophisticated Unicode collating sequences, such as UCA500R1_NO, can be much more expensive than the typical SYSTEM collation used with single-byte code pages. This increased expense is due to the complexity of sorting Unicode strings in a culturally-correct way. Operations that are impacted include sorting, string comparisons, LIKE processing, and index creation.

If Unicode is required to properly represent your data, choose the collating sequence with care.
  • If the database will contain data in multiple languages, and correct sort order of that data is of paramount importance, use one of the culturally correct collations (for example, UCA500R1_*). Depending on the data and the application, this could have a performance overhead of 1.5 to 3 times more, relative to the IDENTITY sequence.
  • There are both normalized and non-normalized varieties of culturally-correct collation. Normalized collations (for example, UCA500R1_NO) have additional checks to handle malformed characters, whereas non-normalized collations (for example, UCA500r1_NX) do not. Unless the handling of malformed characters is an issue, use the non-normalized version, because there is a performance benefit in avoiding the normalization code. That said, even non-normalized culturally correct collations are very expensive.
  • If a database is being moved from a single-byte environment to a Unicode environment, but does not have rigorous requirements about hosting a variety of languages (most deployments will be in this category), language aware collation might be appropriate. Language aware collations (for example, SYSTEM_819_BE) take advantage of the fact that many Unicode databases contain data in only one language. They use the same lookup table-based collation algorithm as single-byte collations such as SYSTEM_819, and so are very efficient. As a general rule, if the collation behavior in the original single-byte database was acceptable, then as long as the language content does not change significantly following the move to Unicode, culturally aware collation should be considered. This can provide very large performance benefits relative to culturally correct collation.

Physical database design

Initial DB2 configuration settings

The DB2 configuration advisor, also known as the AUTOCONFIGURE command, takes basic system guidelines that you provide, and determines a good starting set of DB2 configuration values. The AUTOCONFIGURE command can provide real improvements over the default configuration settings, and is recommended as a way to obtain initial configuration values. Some additional fine-tuning of the recommendations generated by the AUTOCONFIGURE command is often required, based on the characteristics of the system.

Here are some suggestions for using the AUTOCONFIGURE command:
  • Even though, starting in DB2 Version 9.1, the AUTOCONFIGURE command is run automatically at database creation time, it is still a good idea to run the AUTOCONFIGURE command explicitly. This is because you then have the ability to specify keyword/value pairs that help customize the results for your system.
  • Run (or rerun) the AUTOCONFIGURE command after the database is populated with an appropriate amount of active data. This provides the tool with more information about the nature of the database. The amount of data that you use to populate the database is important, because it can affect such things as buffer pool size calculations, for example. Too much or too little data makes these calculations less accurate.
  • Try different values for important AUTOCONFIGURE command keywords, such as mem_percent, tpm, and num_stmts to get an idea of which, and to what degree, configuration values are affected by these changes.
  • If you are experimenting with different keywords and values, use the APPLY NONE option. This gives you a chance to compare the recommendations with the current settings.
  • Specify values for all keywords, because the defaults might not suit your system. For example, mem_percent defaults to 25%, which is too low for a dedicated DB2 server; 85% is the recommended value in this case.

DB2 autonomics and automatic parameters

Recent releases of DB2 database products have significantly increased the number of parameters that are either automatically set at instance or database startup time, or that are dynamically tuned during operation. For most systems, automatic settings provide better performance than all but the very carefully hand-tuned systems. This is particularly due to the DB2 self-tuning memory manager (STMM), which dynamically tunes total database memory allocation as well as four of the main memory consumers in a DB2 system: the buffer pools, the lock list, the package cache, and the sort heap.

Because these parameters apply on a partition-by-partition basis, using the STMM in a partitioned database environment should be done with some caution. On partitioned database systems, the STMM continuously measures memory requirements on a single partition (automatically chosen by the DB2 system, but that choice can be overridden), and 'pushes out' heap size updates to all partitions on which the STMM is enabled. Because the same values are used on all partitions, the STMM works best in partitioned database environments where the amounts of data, the memory requirements, and the general levels of activity are very uniform across partitions. If a small number of partitions have skewed data volumes or different memory requirements, the STMM should be disabled on those partitions, and allowed to tune the more uniform ones. For example, the STMM should generally be disabled on the catalog partition.

For partitioned database environments with skewed data distribution, where continuous cross-cluster memory tuning is not advised, the STMM can be used selectively and temporarily during a 'tuning phase' to help determine good manual heap settings:
  • Enable the STMM on one 'typical' partition. Other partitions continue to have the STMM disabled.
  • After memory settings have stabilized, disable the STMM and manually 'harden' the affected parameters at their tuned values.
  • Deploy the tuned values on other database partitions with similar data volumes and memory requirements (for example, partitions in the same partition group).
  • Repeat the process if there are multiple disjointed sets of database partitions containing similar volumes and types of data and performing similar roles in the system.

The configuration advisor generally chooses to enable autonomic settings where applicable. This includes automatic statistics updates from the RUNSTATS command (very useful), but excludes automatic reorganization and automatic backup. These can be very useful as well, but need to be configured according to your environment and schedule for best results. Automatic statistics profiling should remain disabled by default. It has quite high overhead and is intended to be used temporarily under controlled conditions and with complex statements.

Explicit configuration settings

Some parameters do not have automatic settings, and are not set by the configuration advisor. These need to be dealt with explicitly. Only parameters that have performance implications are considered here.
  • logpath or newlogpath determines the location of the transaction log. Even the configuration advisor cannot decide for you where the logs should go. As mentioned above, the most important point is that they should not share disk devices with other DB2 objects, such as table spaces, or be allowed to remain in the default location, which is under the database path. Ideally, transaction logs should be placed on dedicated storage with sufficient throughput capacity to ensure that a bottleneck will not be created.
  • logbufsz determines the size of the transaction logger internal buffer, in 4-KB pages. The default value of only eight pages is far too small for good performance in a production environment. The configuration advisor always increases it, but possibly not enough, depending on the input parameters. A value of 256-1000 pages is a good general range, and represents only a very small total amount of memory in the overall scheme of a database server.
  • mincommit controls group commit, which causes a DB2 system to try to batch together n committing transactions. With the current transaction logger design, this is rarely the desired behavior. Leave mincommit at the default value of 1.
  • buffpage determines the number of pages allocated to each buffer pool that is defined with a size of -1. The best practice is to ignore buffpage, and either explicitly set the size of buffer pools that have an entry in SYSCAT.BUFFERPOOLS, or let the STMM tune buffer pool sizes automatically.
  • diagpath determines the location of various useful DB2 diagnostic files. It generally has little impact on performance, except possibly in a partitioned database environment. The default location of diagpath on all partitions is typically on a shared, NFS-mounted path. The best practice is to override diagpath to a local, non-NFS directory for each partition. This prevents all partitions from trying to update the same file with diagnostic messages. Instead, these are kept local to each partition, and contention is greatly reduced.
  • DB2_PARALLEL_IO is not a configuration parameter, but a DB2 registry variable. It is very common for DB2 systems to use storage consisting of arrays of disks, which are presented to the operating system as a single device, or to use file systems that span multiple devices. The consequence is that by default, a DB2 database system makes only one prefetch request at a time to a table space container. This is done with the understanding that multiple requests to a single device are serialized anyway. But if a container resides on an array of disks, there is an opportunity to dispatch multiple prefetch requests to it simultaneously, without serialization. This is where DB2_PARALLEL_IO comes in. It tells the DB2 system that prefetch requests can be issued to a single container in parallel. The simplest setting is DB2_PARALLEL_IO=* (meaning that all containers reside on multiple - assumed in this case to be seven - disks), but other settings also control the degree of parallelism and which table spaces are affected. For example, if you know that your containers reside on a RAID-5 array of four disks, you might set DB2_PARALLEL_IO to *:3. Whether or not particular values benefit performance also depends on the extent size, the RAID segment size, and how many containers use the same set of disks.

Considerations for SAP and other ISV environments

If you are running a DB2 database server for an ISV application such as SAP, some best practice guidelines that take into account the specific application might be available. The most straightforward mechanism is the DB2 registry variable DB2_WORKLOAD, which can be set to a value that enables aggregated registry variables to be optimized for specific environments and workloads. Valid settings for DB2_WORKLOAD include: 1C, CM, COGNOS_CS, FILENET_CM, MAXIMO, MDM, SAP, TPM, WAS, WC, and WP .

Other recommendations and best practices might apply, such as the choice of a code page or code set and collating sequence, because they must be set to a predetermined value. Refer to the application vendor's documentation for details.

For many ISV applications, such as SAP Business One, the AUTOCONFIGURE command can be successfully used to define the initial configuration. However, it should not be used in SAP NetWeaver installations, because an initial set of DB2 configuration parameters is applied during SAP installation. In addition, SAP has a powerful alternative best practices approach (SAP Notes) that describes the preferred DB2 parameter settings; for example, SAP Note 1086130 - DB6: DB2 9.5 Standard Parameter Settings.

Pay special attention to SAP applications when using the DB2 partitioned database environment. SAP uses partitioned database environment mainly in its SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (Business Warehouse) product. The recommended layout has the DB2 system catalog, the dimension and master tables, plus the SAP base tables on Partition 0. This leads to a different workload on this partition compared to other DB2 partitioned database environment installations. Because the SAP application server runs on this partition, up to eight processors might be assigned to just this partition. As the SAP BW workload becomes more highly parallelized, with many short queries running concurrently, the number of partitions for SAP BI is typically smaller than for other applications. In other words, more than one CPU per data partition is required.