DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

threshold_maxvalue - Threshold maximum value monitor element

For non-queuing thresholds, this monitor element represents the value that was exceeded to cause this threshold violation. For queuing thresholds, this monitor element represents the level of concurrency that caused the queuing. The level of concurrency that caused the violation of the queuing threshold is the sum of threshold_maxvalue and threshold_queuesize monitor elements.

Table 1. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Threshold violations event_thresholdviolations -


For activity thresholds, this element provides a historical record of what the threshold's maximum value was at the time the threshold was violated. This is useful when the threshold's maximum value has changed since the time of the violation and the old value is no longer available from the SYSCAT.THRESHOLDS view.