DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

pool_watermark - Memory Pool Watermark monitor element

The largest size of a memory pool since its creation. The value is given in bytes.

Element identifier
Element type
Table 1. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database Manager memory_pool Basic
Database memory_pool Basic
Application memory_pool Basic
Table 2. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database event_dbmemuse -
Connection event_connmemuse -
On continuously running systems, you can use the pool_watermark and pool_config_size elements together to predict potential memory problems.

For example, take a snapshot at regular intervals (for instance, daily), and examine the pool_watermark and pool_config_size values. If you observe that the value of pool_watermark is becoming increasingly close to pool_config_size (a premature indication of potential future memory-related problems), this may indicate that you should increase the size of the memory pool.