DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

evmon_activates - Number of Event Monitor Activations monitor element

The number of times an event monitor has been activated.

Element identifier
Element type
Table 1. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database event_db -
Tables event_table -
Tablespaces event_tablespace -
Bufferpools event_bufferpool -
Deadlocks event_deadlock -
Deadlocks event_dlconn -
Deadlocks with Details event_detailed_dlconn -
Statements evmon_stmt_history  
Use this element to correlate information returned by the above event types. This element is applicable only to write-to-table event monitors. This monitor element is not maintained for event monitors that write to a file or pipe.
Only some types of write-to-table event monitors use the evmon_activates monitor element (the event monitor types that do use this element are listed in the previous table, "Event Monitoring Information"). These event monitors update the evmon_activates column of the SYSCAT.EVENTMONITORS catalog table when activated. This change is logged, so the DATABASE CONFIGURATION will display:
All committed transactions have been written to disk = NO
If an event monitor is created with the AUTOSTART option, and the first user CONNECTS to the database and immediately DISCONNECTS so that the database is deactivated, a log file will be produced.