DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

elapsed_exec_time - Statement Execution Elapsed Time monitor element

At the DCS statement level, this is the elapsed time spent processing an SQL request on a host database server. This value is reported by this server. For event monitors that write to tables, the value of this element is given in microseconds by using the BIGINT data type. In contrast to the host_response_time element, this element does not include the network elapsed time between DB2 Connect™ and the host database server. At other levels, this value represents the sum of the host execution times for all the statements that were executed for a particular database or application, or for those statements that used a given number of data transmissions.

Table 1. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database dbase Statement, Timestamp
Application appl Statement, Timestamp
DCS Database dcs_dbase Statement, Timestamp
DCS Application dcs_appl Statement, Timestamp
DCS Statement dcs_stmt Statement, Timestamp
Data Transmission stmt_transmissions Statement, Timestamp
For snapshot monitoring at the statement level, this counter cannot be reset. This counter can be reset at other levels.
Use this element, along with other elapsed time monitor elements, to evaluate the database server's processing of SQL requests and to help isolate performance issues.
Subtract this element from the host_response_time element to calculate the network elapsed time between DB2 Connect and the host database server.
Note: For the dcs_dbase, dcs_appl, dcs_stmt and stmt_transmissions levels, the elapsed_exec_time element applies only to z/OS® databases. If the DB2 Connect gateway is connecting to a Windows, Linux, AIX®, or other UNIX database, the elapsed_exec_time is reported as zero.